This was the 2019 version of this website. For the current version, visit
The Top Escape Rooms Project is an attempt to find the very best escape rooms in the world by leveraging the experience of the most experienced escape room enthusiasts in the world. We serve escape room owners and designers by publicly recognizing their achievements, and we serve our fellow enthusiasts by providing an international bucket list of the best rooms to play.
The top rooms and top companies identified by this project each year are awarded a Top Escape Rooms Project Enthusiasts' Choice Award, or TERPECA, which represents the best of the best in the international escape room industry.
As the TERPECAs are currently targeted specifically to an English-speaking audience, until the scope of the project is expanded to include other languages, starting in 2020 we will instead highlight similar projects that provide high-quality awards or rankings in other languages or in regions that are not currently served by this project.
The following 50 escape rooms have earned a 2019 TERPECA for Top Room. These rooms stand out among all the others and exemplify the best of what the escape room industry has to offer.
If you missed the live results show during which these results were announced, you can still watch it here.
The name of this room was An Avalanche of Oblivion at the time of the award.
The following 20 companies have earned a 2019 TERPECA for Top Company. These companies have demonstrated a sustained ability to produce games and experiences that excel in all ways and exemplify the best of what the escape room industry has to offer.
If you missed the live results show during which these results were announced, you can still watch it here.
For a larger version of the map, click here.
The Top Escape Rooms Project consists of two phases: a nomination phase and a ranking phase.
Phase 1: Nominations
In the nomination phase, pre-approved nominators (consisting of enthusiasts that have played 200 or more escape rooms) are asked to privately nominate up to 20 rooms that they feel should be considered in the conversation for best in the world. Any room with two or more independent nominations is deemed to have sufficient support to move on to Phase 2, with the idea that for a room to be worthy of the distinction of being one of the best in the world, then it would surely be nominated by at least two people.
Owners, designers, consultants, investors, employees, and business affiliates with significant ongoing financial relationships are not allowed to nominate any of the corresponding rooms for which they may have a conflict of interest.
Additionally, two new rules were added in 2019 for a room to be eligible for nomination. First, the room must have been open for at least 30 days between November 1, 2018 and October 31, 2019. Second, the room must be playable for a team consisting entirely of English-speaking players. Aside from these two rules, nominators were free to include any room they had played, using any criteria they felt was relevant to a room being considered one of the best in the world, including the very definition of what counts as an escape room.
In 2019, a total of 105 enthusiasts contributed to Phase 1, resulting in 506 rooms nominated and 229 rooms with multiple nominations that moved on to Phase 2. Companies that had at least two rooms nominated and at least one room move on to Phase 2 were considered for the company awards, and 79 companies met this criteria. For the complete list of rooms that were nominated in Phase 1, see the Phase 1 Room Results.
Phase 2: Rankings
In the ranking phase, pre-approved voters (consisting of enthusiasts that have played 50 or more escape rooms) are asked to provide a complete, ordered stack rank of the rooms that survived Phase 1. They are only allowed to rank rooms that they have played and for which they do not have a potential conflict of interest, as defined in the previous section.
Stack ranks are used for this process rather than numerical ratings because it forces participants to think hard about every entry in their stack, and this approach does not suffer from different people having different calibrations for numerical ratings. Stack ranks also have the nice property that you can always add new rooms at the very top as rooms worldwide get better and better without having to recalibrate your numbering system or add "6-star" ratings.
In 2019, a total of 370 enthusiasts provided rankings in Phase 2, including all of those who contributed to Phase 1, and the output of these individual stack ranks provided the input to the final global rankings. The algorithm for generating a global ranking from a set of partial rankings is subject of substantial academic research and there is no universally agreed-upon method for generating such a result. TERPECA uses a fairly well-established method that was inspired by an academic paper about ranking college football teams that is itself based on the Perron-Frobenius theorem. In a nutshell, each stack rank is used to create all possible pairwise comparisons between rooms in that stack rank, and then those are used to create a matrix of scores between rooms using all the direct comparisons from any of the participants. To make the analogy to the college football analysis, we consider the score of a match between two rooms to be a combination of any direct comparisons that can be made between two rooms and (new for 2019) any transitive, secondary comparisons that can be made between a pair of rooms. A small correction is added using the Wilson score binomial confidence interval to ensure that more confidence is given when more comparisons between the same two rooms are available. Finally, the eigenvector corresponding to the greatest eigenvalue is calculated, and the entries in this eigenvector is used as the score for each room.
The results given by this analysis were studied in detail to verify that the final rankings stood up to careful scrutiny when comparing two rooms to each other based on all the stack ranks that included both, but this data is excluded from the final report because it can be used in some cases to infer individual preferences between rooms. Suffice it to say that we are quite confident that the outcome here faithfully represents the data provided by those participating in the project.
In 2018, companies were ranked using the same process as rooms, however, participants expressed difficulty in ranking companies, and the results indicated that company results were highly enough correlated with room results that we could generate the company rankings in 2019 from the room results instead. So, company results for 2019 are now generated based on the findings from the 2018 results applied to the 2019 data, and roughly works based on the observation that two or more games in a higher ranking tier is weighed more heavily than more games in a lower tier.
Ultimately this analysis provided an aggregated stack rank of all the rooms and all the companies in Phase 2, but we have chosen only to recognize a subset of these rooms and companies as official award winners. The primary reason for this is that two nominations to reach Phase 2 was a pretty low bar designed to make sure that the very best possible rooms and companies would make the list if any two participants had played them, but it did not guarantee that those that did get nominated actually were significantly better than, say, those that got only one nomination in Phase 1. Regardless, we still present complete final rankings of rooms and companies from the Phase 2 analysis, which you can find in the Phase 2 Room Results and Phase 2 Company Results.
General Notes and Caveats
It should be noted that while there are nominators and voters from many countries, and in particular many more than in 2018, there are still some regions that have had far more players than others. As a result, rooms from some of the less well-played countries (such as Australia, Israel, and Switzerland) are limited as to how high on the list they can reach, given that there is the limit to the extrapolation we can do when there is not a lot of comparison data about a given room. We hope and expect that as rooms from new countries show up on the list, more enthusiasts will play them, and in future years, those regions can find their "proper" place in the rankings.
Due to the new rule that required rooms to be playable in English, there were a handful of rooms that appeared on the list in 2018 (including some winners!) that are not included in 2019 only due to the new rule. There are also of course many world-class rooms that just aren't available in English. We plan to review the impact of this decision this year and have not decided yet whether it will be in place for 2020. That said, if the rule is kept for 2020, we plan to require that companies that do support games to be played in English to clearly state this on the website, to ensure that our decisions about which games should be included is more transparent and verifiable. We believe that if a room is to be considered for an international award, it should at the very least clearly indicate which languages it supports or doesn't support on the website.
Finally, the methodology chosen does have a bias that the more rooms someone has played, the bigger an impact they'll have in the rankings, as they'll be able to provide significantly more comparisons between rooms. We accept this as a feature, not a bug, as we believe that it is certainly a defensible position that those with more experience be given greater weight in this regard.
The following 506* rooms were nominated by at least one nominator in Phase 1. Each nomination means that someone with 200 or more rooms of experience decided to list that room as one of their all time top 20. The number of independent nominations is shown in parentheses. The 229 rooms with two or more nominations moved on to Phase 2 as finalists and are shown in bold. This list should explicitly not be taken to be a meaningful ranking, as the geographic distribution of the participants was not uniform.
* Originally we announced 507 nominees, but some were later found not to have been eligible and were subsequently removed.
An Avalanche of Oblivion [Una avalancha del olvido] - Claustrophobia (Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra) (8)
Cinema of Despair [Cine de la desesperanza] - Claustrophobia (Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra) (1)
Executioner's Toolshed - Seraphim Escape (Ipswich, Australia) (1)
Chapter 3: The Last Stand - The Mystery Rooms (Melbourne, Australia) (1)
Deep Space: Termination - Ukiyo (Melbourne, Australia) (1)
The Crumbling Prince - Ukiyo (Melbourne, Australia) (1)
Ex Libris - Next Level Escape (Sydney, Australia) (2)
Espionage - The Cipher Room (Sydney, Australia) (1)
The Marlowe Hotel - The Cipher Room (Sydney, Australia) (2)
Amissa Anima Mea - Moonscape (Mondsee, Austria) (1)
Going Underground - Crime Runners (Vienna, Austria) (6)
The Nun - NoWayOut (Vienna, Austria) (1)
Mission: The Mine [Mission: Bergwerk] - Time-Busters (Vienna, Austria) (1)
Submarine Bunker - Escape Rush (Brussels, Belgium) (1)
Cube [Kubus] - Locked Gent (Gent, Belgium) (2)
Power Boating for Dummies - Create Your Escape (Kasterlee, Belgium) (1)
The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus [Het geheim van Sint-Rumoldus] - De Gouden Kooi (Mechelen, Belgium) (3)
The Zoo of Dr. Moreau [O Zoológico do Dr. Moreau] - Escape Hotel (Sao Paulo, Brazil) (1)
Al Capone's Secret Bar [Тайният бар на Ал Капоне] - 3KEY Rooms (Sofia, Bulgaria) (2)
The MaTRICK - 3KEY Rooms (Sofia, Bulgaria) (1)
BlueLab - Endorphin Games (Sofia, Bulgaria) (5)
The Crystal Skull [Кристалният череп] - Escapeway (Sofia, Bulgaria) (2)
The Secret Of Kryptos [Тайната на Криптос] - Myst Entertainment (Sofia, Bulgaria) (2)
Room 66 II - Room 66 (Sofia, Bulgaria) (1)
SawRoom: The Revenge - SawRoom (Sofia, Bulgaria) (2)
Atlantis [Атлантида] - Teorema Escape Rooms (Sofia, Bulgaria) (6)
Chamber of Hocus - Breakout Kingsville (Kingsville, ON, Canada) (1)
Volcano's Ruin - Trapdoor London (London, ON, Canada) (1)
Below Zero - Crypto Escape Rooms (Newmarket, ON, Canada) (4)
Saboteur - The Crux Escape Rooms (Niagara Falls, ON, Canada) (1)
The Shaft - Escape Maze (Peterborough, ON, Canada) (1)
Defend the Magic Academy - Omescape (Scarborough, ON, Canada) (1)
Nyctophobia: Fear of the Dark - Omescape (Scarborough, ON, Canada) (1)
Haunting of Noriko - Escape Games Canada (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1)
Mindshaft - Escape Games Canada (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1)
The Missing Will - Escape Games Canada (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1)
Sedah 13 - Nowayout Escape Rooms (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1)
The Tape Escape: A Grown-Ups Guide To Flying - Outside The March (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1)
AI's Martyrdom - Revo Escape (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1)
The Lab: Lockdown - Revo Escape (Toronto, ON, Canada) (2)
Black Creek Pioneer Village: Where Dark Things Dwell - Secret City Adventures (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1)
King of the Bootleggers - Secret City Adventures (Toronto, ON, Canada) (2)
Murdoch Mysteries Escape Game: The Secret of Station House No. 4 - Secret City Adventures (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1)
The Grand Wilshire Hotel - The Imaginarium (Toronto, ON, Canada) (2)
Spaceship Graveyard - Codex Escape Games (Montreal, QC, Canada) (1)
The Night of the Wolf and the Serpent - Codex Escape Games (Montreal, QC, Canada) (1)
The Wizard Four and the Book of Black Arts - Escaparium (Montreal, QC, Canada) (2)
Apocalypse: Tempus Fugit - Missions Morpheus (Montreal, QC, Canada) (2)
Atlantis: 90° S, 0° E - Missions Morpheus (Montreal, QC, Canada) (2)
Domination: In God We Trust - Missions Morpheus (Montreal, QC, Canada) (1)
Dream Weekend - Sauve Qui Peut (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada) (1)
Morgue - Endorfin (Prague, Czech Republic) (2)
Galactic Pioneers - MindMaze (Prague, Czech Republic) (6)
Haunted House - The Chamber (Prague, Czech Republic) (2)
Haunted House 2: Poltergeist - The Chamber (Prague, Czech Republic) (6)
Medieval Dungeon - The Chamber (Prague, Czech Republic) (1)
Cemetery - The Padlock (Prague, Czech Republic) (1)
Mission 53 - The Padlock (Prague, Czech Republic) (1)
Interview [Töövestlus] - Affect Laboratories (Tallinn, Estonia) (4)
Gravity - Claustrophobia (Tallinn, Estonia) (1)
Celestia - L'Atelier des Énigmes (Annecy, France) (1)
Super Game Colors - L'Atelier des Énigmes (Annecy, France) (1)
Einstein's Letter [La Lettre d’Einstein] - Le Passage (Bordeaux, France) (7)
Pharao's Tomb [Le Tombeau du Pharaon] - Live Escape (Grenoble, France) (1)
The Cube [Le Cube] - One Brain (Lille, France) (1)
The Blackwood Affair [L’Affaire Blackwood] - Wake Up (Lyon, France) (2)
The Secret of Inti Kancha [Le Secret d’Inti Kancha] - Wake Up (Lyon, France) (1)
Mission Tokyo - Escape Time (Montauban / Tours, France) (1)
Dollmaker - LiveCorp (Montpellier, France) (2)
Unity - LiveCorp (Montpellier, France) (1)
Ultimate Madrigal [Ultime Madrigal] - Artimus (Paris, France) (2)
Chinatown: In the Triad's Clutches [Chinatown: Dans les griffes de la triade] - Crack the Egg (Paris, France) (1)
The Shelter [L'Abri ] - Crack the Egg (Paris, France) (4)
The Unsettling Professor Tychsen [L'inquiétant professeur Tychsen] - Crack the Egg (Paris, France) (1)
The Pirate's Secret [Le Secret du Pirate] - HintHunt (Paris, France) (2)
La Pièce Odyssey [L'Odyssée de la Pièce] - La Pièce (Paris, France) (3)
L.A. Confidential - Lock Academy (Paris, France) (6)
Little Miss Lock [Très Cher Lock] - Lock Academy (Paris, France) (1)
Revolt at Lock Academy [Révolte à la Lock] - Lock Academy (Paris, France) (8)
The Heist of the Century [Le Casse du siècle] - Lock Academy (Paris, France) (1)
Lost Asylum - One Hour (Paris, France) (2)
The Slaughterhouse [L'Abattoir] - One Hour (Paris, France) (8)
Houdini - Phobia Escape Games (Paris, France) (1)
House of Ghost [Les Disparus] - Phobia Escape Games (Paris, France) (1)
The Cursed Crypt [La Crypte Maudite] - Skeleton Key (Paris, France) (1)
Mafia District - Team Time (Paris, France) (1)
Security Post - Military Base B-423 - The Escape Lab (Paris, France) (1)
The Metro [Le Métro] - The Game (Paris, France) (2)
The Plane [L'Avion] - The Game (Paris, France) (2)
The Last Robbery [Le Dernier Casse] - The Little Red Door (Strasbourg, France) (1)
The Lost Temple [Le Temple Perdu] - Enigma Escape (Toulouse, France) (1)
Apartment 33 - IQBCompany (Tbilisi, Georgia) (1)
The Executioner [Der Henker] - House of Tales (Berlin, Germany) (1)
Beast of Berlin - The Room (Berlin, Germany) (1)
Ghosthunter Brandon Darkmoor [Geisterjäger Brandon Darkmoor] - The Room (Berlin, Germany) (11)
The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt - The Room (Berlin, Germany) (15)
The Alley [Die Gasse] - Rätselraum Ruhrpott (Bochum, Germany) (1)
The Killer - Team X (Cologne, Germany) (1)
Neptune's Curse [Der Fluch des Neptun] - Hidden in Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) (10)
The Forbidden Game [Das verbotene Spiel] - Hidden in Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) (2)
The Golden Skull [Der goldene Schädel] - Hidden in Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) (4)
The Master of Time [Der Meister der Zeit] - Hidden in Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) (3)
Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Wailing Woman [Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und die weinende Frau] - Skurrilum (Hamburg, Germany) (13)
Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Zoo of Death [Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und der Zoo des Todes] - Skurrilum (Hamburg, Germany) (8)
Don't Take a Breath - Verone (Acharnes, Greece) (1)
The Prison - Adventure Arena (Athens, Greece) (1)
The Order Of Light - Brain Cells (Athens, Greece) (1)
Rebellion - Clock Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (1)
Another Dimension - ESC (Athens, Greece) (1)
Lethal Decision - EscapeClue (Athens, Greece) (1)
Room 001: Zygote - Escaped (Athens, Greece) (1)
Room 107: Otherside - Escaped (Athens, Greece) (4)
Room 202: Paranoic II - Escaped (Athens, Greece) (1)
Cosmos 05: Death in Space - Escapepolis (Athens, Greece) (11)
Roswell 1947: An Alien Enigma - Escapepolis (Athens, Greece) (1)
The Survivor - Great Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (1)
The Lockwood Manor [Η Έπαυλη Lockwood] - Lockhill (Athens, Greece) (1)
The Sanatorium [Το Σανατόριο] - Lockhill (Athens, Greece) (9)
Requiem - Mysterylab (Athens, Greece) (3)
El Exorcista - No Exit (Athens, Greece) (9)
Paradox Project 2: The Bookstore [Paradox Project 2: To Βιβλιοπωλείο] - Paradox Project (Athens, Greece) (17)
Paradox Project: The Mansion [Paradox Project: Η Έπαυλη] - Paradox Project (Athens, Greece) (10)
Swamp Of Sorrows: Death And Despair - Room 54 (Athens, Greece) (1)
The Exam - Rubicon (Athens, Greece) (2)
Cube² - Sherlocked Homes (Athens, Greece) (1)
The Cursed Willy - Sherlocked Homes (Athens, Greece) (1)
The Mine Box - The Box (Athens, Greece) (1)
The Temple Box - The Box (Athens, Greece) (1)
Dark Seas - The Brainfall Hotel (Athens, Greece) (1)
Mrs. Rose's House - The Darkwood Village (Athens, Greece) (4)
The Tiki Bay - Way Out Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (1)
Heaven and Hell - E-Exit (Budapest, Hungary) (1)
Santa Muerte - E-Exit (Budapest, Hungary) (4)
Enigma Mission [Enigma Küldetés] - Enigma (Budapest, Hungary) (1)
White Mission - Gozsdu Mission (Budapest, Hungary) (4)
Secret of the Depth [A mélység titka] - Mystery Games (Budapest, Hungary) (1)
Pirate Bay [Kalóz Öböl] - Mystique Room (Budapest, Hungary) (2)
Pirate Cave [Kalózbarlang] - Pirate Cave Escape Room (Budapest, Hungary) (2)
Convicts - Escape Boats (Dublin, Ireland) (1)
SOS - Escape Boats (Dublin, Ireland) (3)
The Crooks [הנוכלים] - Pink Different (Afula, Israel) (1)
Pirates' Robbers [שודדי הפיראטים] - ExitRoom (Ashdod, Israel) (2)
The Freezer [המקפיא] - Real Story Quest (Bat Yam, Israel) (1)
Grease [גריז] - Amazon Escape (Holon, Israel) (2)
Planet of the Apes [חדר בריחה כוכב הקופים] - Tempus Games (Holon, Israel) (1)
The Knights' Watch [חדר בריחה אבירי הלילה] - QuesTeam (Merhavia, Israel) (1)
Prophecy [הנבואה] - My Real Quest (Nesher, Israel) (1)
The Knights' Duel [דו-קרב אבירים] - Lasertag Poleg (Netania, Israel) (1)
Camp 23 [מחנה 23] - BrainIT (Petah Tikva, Israel) (1)
Witch Hunt [ציד מכשפות] - Quest Master (Petah Tikva, Israel) (1)
Cube [קיוב] - The Maze (Petah Tikva, Israel) (3)
The Sting [העוקץ] - The Maze (Petah Tikva, Israel) (2)
Money Heist [בית הנייר] - Insideout (Ra'anana, Israel) (1)
The Intervention [ההתערבות] - Escape Center (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (4)
Gulliver's Travels [מסעות גוליבר] - Sherlocked Israel (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (1)
The Puppets: Silent Diving [שקט צוללים - The Puppets] - Show Time (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (1)
The Puppets: Silent Photographers [שקט מצלמים - The Puppets] - Show Time (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (1)
Deadly Desert [קינוח קטלני] - Panica Escape (Tel Aviv, Israel) (1)
Eurovision Pizza Party [מסיבת הפיצה לאירוויזיון] - Panica Escape (Tel Aviv, Israel) (1)
The Hummus King [מלך החומוס] - Panica Escape (Tel Aviv, Israel) (4)
The Wizard of Oz [הקוסם מארץ עוץ לילדים] - Sherlocked Israel (Tel Aviv, Israel) (1)
White Noise [רעש בעולם] - Vertigo Escape Planet (Tel Aviv, Israel) (1)
Now You See Me [האשליה] - Mind Attack (Ya'ara, Israel) (1)
The Tomb [La Tomba] - Trap Milano (Milan, Italy) (1)
The Ring: Samara | Origins - Escape Room Roma (Rome, Italy) (1)
Escape from The Red Room - SCRAP (Tokyo, Japan) (5)
Silence - Lost in JB (Johor Bahru, Malaysia) (1)
The Amsterdam Catacombs - Logic Locks (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (18)
Judgment Day - My Escape Club (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (1)
The Vault - Sherlocked (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (8)
The Dome - Escape Room Nederland (Bunschoten, Netherlands) (27)
The Girl's Room [De Meisjeskamer] - Escape Room Nederland (Bunschoten, Netherlands) (2)
Catch Me If You Can - Next Level (Eindhoven, Netherlands) (7)
Escape from Wonderland - Escape from Wonderland (Leiden, Netherlands) (1)
The Ram Raid [De Ramkraak] - ROX Escape Experience (formerly Project Escape) (Nijmegen, Netherlands) (1)
Jason's Curse - Escape Room Rijswijk (Rijswijk, Netherlands) (1)
The Execution - The Escape Room Rijswijk (Rijswijk, Netherlands) (1)
The Asylum Revealed [Asylum Revealed] - Mystery House (Valkenburg, Netherlands) (1)
Room 237 [Kamer 237] - Kamer 237 (Volkel, Netherlands) (9)
The Concierge [De Conciërge] - Kamer 237 (Volkel, Netherlands) (1)
Flight 815 - Down the Hatch (Voorburg, Netherlands) (2)
The Cooper Case - Down the Hatch (Voorburg, Netherlands) (1)
Outbreak - Epic Escape (Waalwijk, Netherlands) (1)
The End - DarkPark (Zoetermeer, Netherlands) (13)
The Honeymoon Hotel - DarkPark (Zoetermeer, Netherlands) (4)
The Orphanage - DarkPark (Zoetermeer, Netherlands) (4)
The Experiment - The Great Escape (Zwolle, Netherlands) (6)
Udder Graziness - Perplexity Escape Rooms (Hamilton, New Zealand) (1)
Stripclub Escape R18 - Rotofobia (Rotorua, New Zealand) (1)
Asylum - Xcape Wellington (Wellington, New Zealand) (1)
Nautilus: The Underwater Adventure [Nautilus: Podmorska Przygoda] - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz / Warsaw, Poland) (8)
The Legend of the Sword [Legenda Miecza] - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz / Warsaw, Poland) (7)
Freakshow - Break The Brain (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (3)
Superheroom - Mr Lock (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (3)
Location [Lokalizacja] - Tick Tack (Gliwice, Poland) (3)
Moriarty Ltd [Moriarty sp. z o. o.] - Quest Cage (Katowice, Poland) (2)
Headhunter [Łowca Głów] - Amazeing Escape Room (Warsaw, Poland) (1)
Cursed Island [Przeklęta wyspa] - Escape Project (Warsaw, Poland) (2)
Olympus [Olimp] - Room Escape Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland) (2)
In the Shadow of the Pyramids [W cieniu piramid] - Wyjście Awaryjne (Warsaw, Poland) (8)
Changing Reality [Zmieniając rzeczywistość] - Zagadkownia (Warsaw, Poland) (1)
Asylum [Obłęd] - (Wroclaw, Poland) (5)
Betrayal in Breslau [Zdrada w Breslau] - (Wroclaw, Poland) (3)
King Arthur's Dungeons [Lochy Króla Artura] - (Wroclaw, Poland) (1)
Necromancer [Nekromanta] - (Wroclaw, Poland) (1)
Midnight Killer MK II - Piwnica Quest (Wroclaw, Poland) (3)
The Lord of The Rings – Isengard Unleashed - 60 Minutes Escape Room (Bucharest, Romania) (1)
The Last Adventure of Indiana Jones [Ultima aventura a lui Indiana Jones] - Escape Arena (Bucharest, Romania) (1)
Coven - The Void Escape Room (Bucharest, Romania) (1)
GhostHunters [Охотники на привидений] - Claustrophobia (Moscow, Russia) (4)
The Last Pepelats - Cubiculum (Moscow, Russia) (1)
Transformer [Трансформер] - Geksa (Moscow, Russia) (4)
Home Video - Kvestlock (Moscow, Russia) (1)
Insane Paranoid - Quest-Art (Moscow, Russia) (3)
Rage - Quest-Art (Moscow, Russia) (1)
Silent Hell [Сайлент Хэлл] - Quest Street (Moscow, Russia) (1)
Sacrum Labyrinth - Sacrum Labyrinth (Moscow, Russia) (2)
Battle Arena - Izba číslo 13 (Bratislava, Slovakia) (1)
Yucatan: The Last Temple [Yucatán: El último Templo] - Coco Room (Alicante / Compostela / Zaragoza, Spain) (8)
Abduction 3: The Exam - Abduction (Badalona, Spain) (16)
Abduction 4: Enterprises - Abduction (Badalona, Spain) (4)
Barum Dum - Cinema Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (3)
The Brewery [La Cerveseria] - Enigmik (Barcelona, Spain) (8)
Zombie Outbreak - Fear Escape Room (Barcelona, Spain) (5)
Futura - Futura (Barcelona, Spain) (2)
Catacombs [Catacumbas] - Golden Pop (Barcelona, Spain) (11)
Catalepsy [Catalepsia] - Horror Box (Barcelona, Spain) (4)
Ouija - Horror Box (Barcelona, Spain) (3)
The Diamond of Souls [El diamante de almas] - Inmortal Room (Barcelona, Spain) (8)
Kidnapped in Barcelona - Kidnapped in BCN (Barcelona, Spain) (2)
Darkness [Oscuridad] - Maximum Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (1)
The Dungeon: The Last Round [La Mazmorra: la última partida] - Maximum Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (1)
Ulysses Spaceship [Nave Ulysses] - Maximum Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (3)
Vault 27 [Refugio 27] - Maximum Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (2)
S.W.A.T. Mission [Misión S.W.A.T.] - Open Mind Room Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (2)
Camping - Insomnia Corporation (Berga, Spain) (2)
The Doctor's Cocktail [El Cóctel del Doctor] - Insomnia Corporation (Berga, Spain) (5)
Xperiment - Insomnia Corporation (Berga, Spain) (1)
Dino Rising Blue Team [Dino Rising Equipo Azul Corp] - Dino Rising Experience (Mad Mansion) (Bilbao, Spain) (4)
Dino Rising Red Team [Dino Rising Equipo Rojo Omega] - Dino Rising Experience (Mad Mansion) (Bilbao, Spain) (9)
Entrenched [Atrincherados] - Conecta Escape (Cerdanyola del Valles, Spain) (13)
Vikings [Vikingos] - Unreal Room Escape (Gava, Spain) (2)
Frankenstein's Girlfriend [La novia de Frankenstein] - Yurmuvi (Gijón, Spain) (4)
Roman Empire / Caesar Augustus [Imperio Romano / Caesaraugusta] - Coco Room (Granada / Torrejón / Zaragoza, Spain) (1)
The Mine [La mina] - Unreal Room Escape (Hospitalet de Llobregat / Irun, Spain) (17)
The Narcos - Unreal Room Escape (Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain) (3)
The Interview [La Entrevista] - Cubick (Madrid / Mataró / Menorca / Valencia, Spain) (11)
Holmes vs Moriarty - Clue Hunter Madrid (Madrid, Spain) (1)
Operation Steampunk [Operación Steampunk] - Incognito Escape Game (Madrid, Spain) (4)
Until Dawn - La Clau (Manresa, Spain) (3)
The Kidnapping [El Secuestro] - Cubick (Mataró, Spain) (3)
Roomanji - Ilusium (Mataró, Spain) (4)
Heirloom - Exitus (Palafolls, Spain) (6)
Hotel Hello - Way Out (Pamplona, Spain) (10)
Below Zero [Bajo Zero] - Escapem (Sabadell, Spain) (2)
Alien: The Origin [Alien: El origen] - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain) (15)
Tomb Hunter: Akasha's Legend [Tomb Hunter: La leyenda de Akasha] - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain) (11)
The Temple of Chaak [El templo de Chaak] - The Legend Escape Room (Mad Mansion) (Santurtzi, Spain) (9)
Apophis - Vortex Escape (Terrassa, Spain) (7)
The Mystery of Scum Island - Madness Toledo (Mad Mansion) (Toledo, Spain) (4)
2076: The Planet Destiny - Mind Trips (Valencia, Spain) (1)
The Dark Days [Los Años Oscuros] - The X-Door (Valencia, Spain) (3)
The Innkeeper's Son [El hijo del posadero] - DragonBorn Escape Room (Mad Mansion) (Vitoria, Spain) (4)
Castaway [Náufrago] - Password Room Escape (Vitoria, Spain) (3)
Mental Experiment - Hollywood Escape Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain) (1)
The Cell - Exit Games Stockholm (Stockholm, Sweden) (1)
Game of Stones - The Escape (Bern, Switzerland) (1)
Jurassic Jones - Trapgame (Charrat, Switzerland) (2)
The Pirates of the Blacktrap [Les Pirates du Blacktrap] - Trapgame (Charrat, Switzerland) (2)
An Evening with the Voodoo Queen [Une soirée avec la Reine Vaudou] - Trip Trap (Geneva, Switzerland) (2)
Aunt Hilda's Room [La Chambre de Tante Hilda] - Trip Trap (Geneva, Switzerland) (3)
Bermuda Triangle: The Corsair's Treasure [Triangle des Bermudes: Le trésor du corsaire] - Escape World (Morges, Switzerland) (1)
The Mysterious Mine [La Mine mystérieuse] - Aventure Jura Parc (Rebeuvelier, Switzerland) (2)
Miss M: Desperate Diffusion [Miss M 絕境擴散] - Miss Game (Taipei, Taiwan) (1)
Path of Exile Part I: The Mystery of Eternal Life [流亡黯道上篇 永生之謎] - Miss Game (Taipei, Taiwan) (1)
Moonlit Wild - Pressure Point Escape Rooms (Ashford, UK) (1)
M.A.R.V.O. Induction - Marvo Mysteries (Bournemouth, UK) (2)
Operation Clearsafe - Project Breakout (Brighouse, UK) (2)
Judgement D.A.V.E. - Bewilder Box (Brighton, UK) (1)
Loot the Lanes - Pier Pressure (Brighton, UK) (3)
Modrophenia - Pier Pressure (Brighton, UK) (1)
Wrong Turn - Compendium (Bury, UK) (1)
The Comms Room - Escape in the Towers (Canterbury, UK) (1)
Dodge City - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley, UK) (1)
Mutiny - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley, UK) (2)
Nethercott Manor - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley, UK) (3)
Dystopia - Make Your Escape (Derby, UK) (1)
Spellbound - Make Your Escape (Derby, UK) (2)
The Lost Tomb - Extremescape (Disley, UK) (3)
Viking - Extremescape (Disley, UK) (6)
Operation Odyssey - Can You Escape (Edinburgh, UK) (1)
The Cutting Room - Locked in Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK) (2)
The Secret Lab - Locked in Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK) (2)
Glasgow School of Magic - Locked In Glasgow (Glasgow, UK) (1)
The Surgery - Locked in Glasgow (Glasgow, UK) (1)
Revolution Ole - The Panic Room (Gravesend, UK) (1)
The Happy Institute - The Panic Room (Gravesend, UK) (1)
Loop - The Panic Room / Clockwork Dog (Gravesend, UK) (3)
Crux Codicillus - The Escaporium (Halifax, UK) (2)
Chronos - Escapologic (Leicester, UK) (1)
MAD - Archimedes Inspiration (London, UK) (1)
Project Ðelta - Archimedes Inspiration (London, UK) (9)
The Battle for Britain - Escape Plan (London, UK) (3)
Secret Studio - Escape in Time (London, UK) (2)
Poppa Plock's Wonky Workshop - Handmade Mysteries (London, UK) (1)
Sherlock: The Game is Now - Hartswood Films / Time Run (London, UK) (1)
The Crystal Maze - The Crystal Maze (London, UK) (2)
Revenge of the Sheep - clueQuest (London, UK) (1)
cQ ORIGENES - clueQuest (London, UK) (11)
The Enchanted Forest - Break Escape (Loughborough, UK) (1)
Henry Fortune's House of Illusion - Escape Quest (Macclesfield, UK) (2)
The 13th Element - Escape Quest (Macclesfield, UK) (1)
Spacescape - Ctrl Alt Esc (Margate, UK) (1)
Pirates of Polaris - The Escapement (Margate, UK) (2)
The Pit - The Escapement (Margate, UK) (3)
The Merchants' Vaults at the Museum of Norwich - History Mystery (Norwich, UK) (1)
Carfax - Cave Escape (Nottingham, UK) (3)
Dreamscape - Cryptology (Nottingham, UK) (1)
Butcher - Escapologic (Nottingham, UK) (1)
Curio - Escapologic (Nottingham, UK) (6)
Howitz - Escapologic (Nottingham, UK) (1)
University of Magic: Dragon's Heart - Lucardo (Rawtenstall, UK) (2)
Imaginarium - TimeTrap Escape Rooms (Reading, UK) (1)
Station X - TimeTrap Escape Rooms (Reading, UK) (1)
Titanic - Houdini's Escape Room Experience (Southampton, UK) (1)
Professor Dunstan and the Search for the Ancient Statuette - Co-Decode (Swindon, UK) (6)
Follow in My Footsteps - Kanyu (Wetherby, UK) (2)
Drago's Castle - 5 Wits (Albany, NY / Buffalo, NY / West Nyack, NY / Syracuse, NY / Plymouth Meeting, PA / Arlington, VA, USA) (1)
Escape the Hydeout - Mission Escape Games (Anaheim, CA / West Hartford, CT / New York, NY / Philadelphia, PA, USA) (1)
Gangster's Gamble - Team vs Time (Berlin, CT / Chicago, IL, USA) (1)
The Clock Tower - Escape The Room (Chandler, AZ / Glendale, CA / Chicago, IL / Boston, MA / St. Louis, MO / New York, NY / Fort Worth, TX / Houston, TX, USA) (1)
The Last Defender - The House Theatre of Chicago / Denver Center for Performing Arts (Chicago, IL / Denver, CO, USA) (3)
Mission: Mars - The Escape Game (Orlando, FL / Chicago, IL / Minneapolis, MN / Nashville, TN / Pigeon Forge, TN, USA) (1)
Gold Rush - The Escape Game (San Francisco, CA / Jacksonville, FL / Orlando, FL / Atlanta, GA / Chicago, IL / Cincinnati, OH / Minneapolis, MN / New York, NY / Nashville, TN / Pigeon Forge, TN / Austin, TX / Dallas, TX / Houston, TX, USA) (2)
Special Ops: Mysterious Market - The Escape Game (San Francisco, CA / Jacksonville, FL / Orlando, FL / Atlanta, GA / Chicago, IL / New Orleans, LA / Minneapolis, MN / New York, NY / Cincinnati, OH / Nashville, TN / Houston, TX, USA) (4)
Playground - The Escape Game (San Francisco, CA / Jacksonville, FL / Orlando, FL / Atlanta, GA / New Orleans, LA / New York, NY / Nashville, TN / Austin, TX / Dallas, TX / Houston, TX, USA) (8)
Jurassic Escape - Escape The Room (Scottsdale, AZ / Glendale, CA / Littleton, CO / Washington, DC /Chicago, IL / Albuquerque, NM / New York, NY / Fort Worth, TX / Houston, TX, USA) (2)
Starship Desolation - Cypher Escape (Studio City, CA / Atlanta, GA, USA) (1)
The Basement - The Basement (Sylmar, CA / Kansas City, MO / Las Vegas, NV, USA) (1)
The Study - The Basement (Sylmar, CA / Kansas City, MO / Las Vegas, NV, USA) (3)
The Inheritance - The Zone Escape Rooms (Tempe, AZ, USA) (1)
The Fun House - Cross Roads Escape Games (Anaheim, CA, USA) (1)
The Hex Room - Cross Roads Escape Games (Anaheim, CA, USA) (5)
The Psych Ward - Cross Roads Escape Games (Anaheim, CA, USA) (2)
Escape the Darkest Hour: Torture Chamber - Mission Escape Games (Anaheim, CA, USA) (1)
The Dragon's Lair - Maze Rooms (Culver City, CA, USA) (1)
They're Coming - Maze Rooms (Culver City, CA, USA) (1)
Zoe - Escapade Games (Fullerton, CA, USA) (4)
The Curse of the Black Knight - EscapeX (Irvine, CA, USA) (2)
Pirate Adventure - Limitless Escape Games (Livermore / Stockton, CA, USA) (1)
Sherlock Holmes - Limitless Escape Games (Livermore / Stockton, CA, USA) (1)
Amityville - 60out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
Cartel: DEA Undercover - 60out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
Galaxy Quest - 60out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
Houdini - 60out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
Hyde Circus - 60out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (2)
Miss Jezebel - 60out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
Turing Test - 60out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
Cursed Crypt - Escape Hotel Hollywood (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
Chapter 3: The Morgue - Evil Genius Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (11)
Lab Rat - Hatch Escapes (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (19)
Magic Kingdom - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (2)
Sky Odyssey - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (2)
The Abyss - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
World of Illusions - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
Escape from Godot - Mister and Mischief (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (2)
Lavinia's Den: The Trespasser's Curse - Mobile Escape Room LA (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
Red Giant - Quest Room (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (4)
Stash House - Stash House (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (16)
The Laboratory - The Laboratory (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1)
The AI - Exit Game (Monterey Park / San Diego, CA, USA) (1)
An Hour To Kill - Exit Game (Monterey Park, CA, USA) (1)
Operation Longbow - MindTrap Escape Room (Murrieta, CA, USA) (1)
Oz - MindTrap Escape Room (Murrieta, CA, USA) (1)
The Menagerie - Level Games (North Hollywood, CA, USA) (1)
It's a Doggy Dog World - Level Games / ESCapades LA (North Hollywood, CA, USA) (2)
13th Room Chapter 2: The Silence - The 13th Room (Pomona, CA, USA) (1)
Sweet Revenge - Quandary Escape Rooms (Roseville, CA, USA) (1)
The Skull Witch - Enchambered (Sacramento, CA, USA) (4)
The Whispering Halls - Enchambered (Sacramento, CA, USA) (2)
Chocolate Factory - Boss-Play (San Diego, CA, USA) (1)
Arcade - Escape Era (San Diego, CA, USA) (1)
The Lost Expedition - Steal and Escape (San Diego, CA, USA) (1)
Sister's Secret - The Unlockables (San Diego, CA, USA) (1)
The Paranormal Experiment - ClockWise Escape Room (San Francisco, CA, USA) (1)
The Edison Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA, USA) (17)
The Great Houdini Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA, USA) (3)
The Roosevelt Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA, USA) (3)
Pandemic Zero - Omescape (San Jose, CA, USA) (1)
Sorcerer’s Sanctum - Omescape (San Jose, CA, USA) (1)
The Ghost of Mentryville - Arcane Escape Rooms (Santa Clarita, CA, USA) (3)
Chaos in the Galleria - Omescape (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) (4)
The Courtyard - The Basement (Sylmar, CA, USA) (5)
The Elevator Shaft - The Basement (Sylmar, CA, USA) (5)
Murder Co - Black Market Escape Rooms (Upland, CA, USA) (2)
Condemned 2 - NorCal Escape Co. (Yuba City, CA, USA) (1)
Tick Tock - Puzzah! (Denver, CO, USA) (1)
Plight of the Margo 1 & 2 - ConTRAPtions Escape Rooms (Fort Collins, CO, USA) (6)
Escape The Machine - Fort Collins Escape Room (Fort Collins, CO, USA) (1)
Puzzler's Secret Chambers of Mystery - Legendary Adventures Escape Rooms (Fort Collins, CO, USA) (1)
Paradox: The Incredible Time Machine - Rabbit Hole Recreation Services (Louisville, CO, USA) (4)
Ruins of the Mystic Temple - Rabbit Hole Recreation Services (Louisville, CO, USA) (5)
The Mall - Complexity (Farmington, CT, USA) (1)
Time Chasers: Race for the Cure - trap't Escape Room Adventures (Stamford, CT, USA) (2)
Strange Magic - Mind Masters Challenge Chambers (Clermont, FL, USA) (1)
Captain Spoopy Bones and the Magnificent Quest For Some Other Pirate's Treasure - Doldrick's Escape Room (Kissimmee, FL, USA) (6)
Super Bomb Squad: Commandos Awesome - Doldrick's Escape Room (Kissimmee, FL, USA) (1)
The Archive - Dare 2 Escape (Orlando, FL, USA) (1)
The Ringmaster - Dare 2 Escape (Orlando, FL, USA) (2)
Alleyway Vigilantes - Imagine Escape Rooms (Tampa, FL, USA) (1)
The Quest: Revenge of the Garzon Dragon - Escape Goat (Winter Garden, FL, USA) (1)
The Shiners - Escape Woods (Powder Springs, GA, USA) (2)
Sasquatch - Escape the Netherworld (Stone Mountain, GA, USA) (4)
Tiki Island - Escape the Netherworld (Stone Mountain, GA, USA) (1)
The Temple - Chambers Escape Games (Honolulu, HI, USA) (1)
The Hexadron - The Escape Rooms (Des Moines, IA, USA) (1)
Bonus Fun Time Game Show Challenge - Escape Factor (Forest Park, IL, USA) (2)
The Wizard's Curse - CU Adventures in Time and Space (Urbana, IL, USA) (1)
A Night at the Castle - The Escape Room Fishers (Fishers, IN, USA) (1)
The Cabin - Twisted Room Escapes (Indianapolis, IN, USA) (1)
Project Sabotage - Puzzle Plex (Derby, KS, USA) (1)
Civil War - Breakout Lawrence (Lawrence, KS, USA) (1)
Cutthroat Cavern - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (19)
The Asylum - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (5)
The Collector - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (3)
Tomb of Anubis - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (10)
Spellbound - 13th Gate Escape / RISE Escape Rooms (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (4)
The Game Museum - Clue Carré (Metairie, LA, USA) (1)
French Quarter House of Curiosities - Clue Carré (New Orleans, LA, USA) (1)
Escape Extinction: Sharks - Escape My Room (New Orleans, LA, USA) (2)
Inventor's Attic - Escape My Room (New Orleans, LA, USA) (10)
Smugglers Den - Escape My Room (New Orleans, LA, USA) (1)
Hijacked - RISE Escape Rooms (Tickfaw, LA, USA) (1)
Boda Borg - Boda Borg (Boston, MA, USA) (2)
Conundrum Museum - Boxaroo (Boston, MA, USA) (1)
The Storyteller's Secret - Boxaroo (Boston, MA, USA) (9)
20,000 Leagues - 5 Wits (Foxboro, MA, USA) (1)
The Assistant - The Gate Escape (Leominster, MA, USA) (1)
The Observatory - The Gate Escape (Leominster, MA, USA) (7)
Ice Station Zero - Mass Escape (New Bedford, MA, USA) (1)
The Eckstein Experiment - Mass Escape (New Bedford, MA, USA) (1)
The Body Shop - Outside the Box (Webster, MA, USA) (1)
The Aurora Society - Decode Ypsilanti (Ypsilanti, MI, USA) (2)
Utopia - Riddle Room (Minneapolis, MN, USA) (3)
Condemned - Escape Code (Branson, MO, USA) (2)
The Guest House - Escape Code (Branson, MO, USA) (1)
Zombie Outbreak: The Cure - Encryption Escape Experience (Maryville, MO, USA) (1)
Haunted Hotel - St. Louis Escape (St. Louis, MO, USA) (1)
Pirate's Curse - St. Louis Escape (St. Louis, MO, USA) (1)
Shipwrecked - Codescape (Charlotte, NC, USA) (1)
The Ruins - Exit Strategy (Charlotte, NC, USA) (1)
Under Pressure - Key to Escape (Statesville, NC, USA) (1)
Civil War - Get Out: Omaha (Omaha, NE, USA) (1)
The Unknown - The Great Escape Room Challenge (Cherry Hill, NJ, USA) (1)
Boardwalk Blast - Escape Garden State (Fairfield, NJ, USA) (1)
Mafia Blackout - Escape Garden State (Fairfield, NJ, USA) (1)
The Search for the Jade Skull - Cloak & Dagger Escape Rooms (Hamilton, NJ, USA) (1)
The Grand Parlor - 13th Hour Escape Rooms (Wharton, NJ, USA) (2)
Chapter 2: Playtime - Lost Games (Las Vegas, NV, USA) (1)
The Official Saw Escape - The Official Saw Escape (Las Vegas, NV, USA) (1)
Deep Space - 5 Wits (Albany / Buffalo / Syracuse / West Nyack, NY, USA) (2)
Beat the Bomb - Beat the Bomb (Brooklyn, NY, USA) (2)
Montauk Project - MyssTic Rooms (Brooklyn, NY, USA) (1)
Over The Falls - Escape City Buffalo (Buffalo, NY, USA) (3)
The Hangover - Escape City Buffalo (Buffalo, NY, USA) (2)
Photoshop Panic - Unravel Escape Rooms (Forest Hills, NY, USA) (1)
The Order - I Survived The Room (Long Island City, NY, USA) (1)
The Privilege of Escape - Creative Time (New York, NY, USA) (1)
Cursed - Komnata Quest (New York, NY, USA) (1)
The Osiris Institute - Museum of Intrigue (Rochester, NY, USA) (1)
Battleship - Unreal Escapes (Staten Island, NY, USA) (2)
Cat Lady - Mad Genius (Portland, OR, USA) (1)
Alice in Wonderland - MindEscape (Philadelphia, PA, USA) (1)
The Midnighters - Olde City Escape Games (Philadelphia, PA, USA) (3)
Escape the Coal Mine - Electric City Escape (Scranton, PA, USA) (1)
The Last Vampire - Encrypted Escape Room West Reading (West Reading, PA, USA) (1)
The Vault - Lock and Clue (Pawtucket, RI, USA) (1)
Blackout - The Final Door (Columbia, SC, USA) (1)
Down the Rabbit Hole - The Final Door (Columbia, SC, USA) (1)
The Vampyr - The Final Door (Columbia, SC, USA) (2)
Classified: Operation Nine Lives - Escape Artist Greenville (Greenville, SC, USA) (1)
The Starlight Motel - Escape Artist Greenville (Greenville, SC, USA) (1)
Escape Area 51 - Elite Escape Games (Mount Pleasant, SC, USA) (1)
The Legend of Atlantis - Backstage Escape Games / Gatlin's Escape Games (Myrtle Beach, SC / Gatlinburg, TN, USA) (1)
The Bunker - Escape Experience (Chattanooga, TN, USA) (1)
Treasure of Pacari - Liveminds Adventure Escape (Franklin, TN, USA) (1)
Big Maw Bertha's Fussin' & A' Feudin' Moonshine Hill Hootenanny - Gatlin's Escape Games (Gatlinburg, TN, USA) (1)
Jester's Revenge - Memphis Escape Rooms (Memphis, TN, USA) (1)
Frankenstein: The Awakening - 60 Minute Escape (Murfreesboro, TN, USA) (2)
Pharaoh's Chamber - 60 Minute Escape (Murfreesboro, TN, USA) (2)
Movie Theatre - Locked Murfreesboro (Murfreesboro, TN, USA) (1)
The Blind Pig - Murfreesboro Escape Rooms (Murfreesboro, TN, USA) (1)
C-Block Prison Break - Escape Experience (Nashville / Chattanooga, TN, USA) (1)
Lab Rats - Escape Hour Austin (Austin, TX, USA) (1)
The Man from Beyond - Strange Bird Immersive (Houston, TX, USA) (11)
Encounter - Red Door Escape Room (Plano, TX, USA) (1)
Supervillains - Escape Room Arlington (Ravenchase Adventures) (Arlington, VA, USA) (1)
8-Bit Escape - Escape Room Herndon (Ravenchase Adventures) (Herndon, VA, USA) (2)
Magician's Workshop - Escape Room Herndon (Ravenchase Adventures) (Herndon, VA, USA) (1)
Dark Raven Museum - Warehouse 29 (Ravenchase Adventures) (Richmond, VA, USA) (1)
Vault of the Volcano God: The Break of Day - Epic Team Adventures (Seattle, WA, USA) (1)
The Storykeeper - Locurio (Seattle, WA, USA) (11)
The Vanishing Act - Locurio (Seattle, WA, USA) (2)
The Eventide Departure - Puzzle Break (Seattle, WA, USA) (1)
Spell Struck - The Escape Artist (Seattle, WA, USA) (1)
Cyber Station - City 13 (Oak Creek, WI, USA) (2)
The final room rankings from Phase 2 are shown below. The top 50 rooms have been awarded a TERPECA for Best Room and are shown in bold. Score is the final output of the analysis. Players is the number of players that ranked that room. Coverage is the number of other rooms in the list that were directly compared to that room by at least one player. Comps is the total number of comparisons made between that room and all other rooms by all players. Last Year shows how the room was ranked last year, where "nom" means it was nominated but was not a finalist.
Note that, as described in the Methodology section, while this data is interesting, we do not claim for this to be the authoritative list of the top 229 rooms in the world, as rooms lower on the list would not necessarily have been ranked this high if other rooms that had zero or one nomination had made it to Phase 2.
The final company rankings from Phase 2 are shown below. The top 20 companies have been awarded a TERPECA for Top Company and are shown in bold. Score is the final output of the analysis. Top 25, Top 50, and Top 100 are the number of rooms from each company that finished in that range, while Finalists () is the number of rooms from that company that advanced to Phase 2, and Nominees () is the total number of rooms from that company that received at least one nomination. Last Year shows how the company was ranked last year, where "nom" means it was nominated but was not a finalist.
Note that, as described in the Methodology section, while this data is interesting, we do not claim for this to be the authoritative list of the top 79 companies in the world, as companies lower on the list would not necessarily have been ranked this high if other rooms that had zero or one nomination had made it to Phase 2.
* Originally the multiple venues owned by Ravenchase Adventures were incorrectly treated as separate companies, so the first version of this table listed Escape Room Herndon at #66 and Ravenchase Adventures was not listed. ** Originally one nominated room at Escaped was accidentally omitted from their count, so the first version of this table listed them at #71.
The following 370 people contributed to the 2019 TERPECA awards as voters and/or nominators. We do not specifically identify the 105 nominators for privacy reasons.
Note that the rooms played total for each person mentioned in this section were all self-reported as of October 31, 2019, and there is no clear consensus as to what people do and don't count as a room towards their total.