The 2024 awards are a wrap! Congratulations to all our 2024 nominees,
finalists, and winners.
In addition to the results here, be sure to check out the
TERPECA Room Finder
for a great way to browse all of our honored rooms.
Please follow us on
Facebook and
Instagram for
updates on the project throughout the year, and if you have played 100 or more rooms
and would like to contribute next year as a voter or
nominator, we accept new applicants year round at the
TERPECA Voter Portal.
The Top Escape Rooms Project is an attempt to find the very best escape rooms in the world by leveraging the experience of the most experienced escape room enthusiasts in the world. We serve escape room owners and designers by publicly recognizing their achievements, and we serve our fellow enthusiasts by providing an international bucket list of the best rooms to play.
The top rooms identified by this project each year are awarded a Top Escape Rooms Project Enthusiasts' Choice Award, or TERPECA, which represents the best of the best in the international escape room industry.
The following 100 escape rooms have earned a 2024 TERPECA for Top Room. These rooms stand out among all the others and exemplify the best of what the escape room industry has to offer.
If you missed the live results show during which these results were announced, you can still watch it here.
To view these results interactively and filter by location, horror rating, and more, visit the TERPECA Room Finder.
For a larger version of the map which includes all the finalists, click here.
The Top Escape Rooms Project's mission to find the best escape rooms in the world is clearly limited by the fact that the TERPECAs currently only recognize and honor rooms and companies that support English-speaking players and are in the countries and regions where such players are likely to visit. We humbly acknowledge that this approach fails to recognize many, many world-class escape rooms available around the world, so here we present a list of some of the most trusted websites from around the world that offer awards and rankings that we feel can help fill in many of the gaps left by our approach. We focus primarily on sites that offer aggregated recommendations, rankings, and awards that are derived from the opinions of many, rather than any sites that focus on the rankings or opinions of a single person or small group of people.
Note: The Top Escape Rooms Project has no official affiliation with any of the websites listed.
If you have any suggestions for more websites we should consider for this section, please contact us at
The Top Escape Rooms Project consists of two phases: a nomination phase and a ranking phase.
Phase 1: Nominations
In the nomination phase, which takes place during the month of October each year, pre-approved nominators (consisting of enthusiasts that have played 200 or more escape rooms) are asked to privately nominate up to 10 rooms that they feel should be considered in the conversation for best in the world. Rooms that won the Top Room award the previous year and would otherwise be eligible for the current year are granted automatic finalist status and thus cannot be nominated. At the conclusion of nominations, the threshold for the number of independent nominations required to be named a finalist is determined by the board. Those rooms that meet or exceed that threshold, along with the automatic finalists mentioned above, move on to Phase 2. In 2024, it required 6 nominations to become a finalist, but this number is likely to continue to increase as the project grows.
Owners, employees, investors, designers, consultants, and other direct affiliates of a given escape room or escape room company, past or present, as well as spouses, partners, or family members of any such affiliates, are not allowed to nominate any of the corresponding rooms for which they may have a conflict of interest.
For a room to be eligible for nomination, it must be open to the public AND playable in English for at least 30 days between November 1 of the previous year and October 31 of the current year (i.e. the nomination deadline). For regions in which English is not the primary language, English availability must be clearly designated at the company's website and/or linked booking platform, and the company must intend to continue offering English-language play as long as the room is open. See the FAQ section on eligibility for additional details on these requirements.
In 2024, a total of 604 enthusiasts contributed to Phase 1, resulting in 1042 rooms nominated, with 385 rooms with enough independent nominations (or automatic finalist status) to move on to Phase 2. For the complete list of rooms that were nominated in Phase 1, see the Phase 1 Results.
Phase 2: Rankings
In the ranking phase, which takes place during the month of November each year, pre-approved voters (consisting of enthusiasts that have played 100 or more escape rooms, plus any enthusiasts approved as voters when the requirement was lower than 100) are asked to provide a complete, ordered stack rank of the rooms that survived Phase 1. They are only allowed to rank rooms that they have played and for which they do not have a potential conflict of interest, as defined in the previous section. Voters can also choose not to rank a room that they've played for any reason.
Once again, owners, employees, investors, designers, consultants, and other direct affiliates of a given escape room or escape room company, past or present, as well as spouses, partners, or family members of any such affiliates, are not allowed to rank any of the corresponding rooms for which they may have a conflict of interest.
Stack ranks are used for this process rather than numerical ratings because it forces participants to think hard about every entry in their stack, and this approach does not suffer from different people having different calibrations for numerical ratings.
In 2024, a total of 1346 enthusiasts provided rankings in Phase 2, including 559 of the 604 of those who contributed to Phase 1, and the output of these individual stack ranks provided the input to the final global rankings. The algorithm used to generate generating a global ranking from a set of partial rankings is subject of substantial academic research and there is no universally agreed-upon method for generating such a result. TERPECA uses a fairly well-established method that was inspired by an academic paper about ranking college football teams that is itself based on the Perron-Frobenius theorem, but with a handful of tweaks added over the years to make it more suitable for this domain. For those interested in the specifics, we have published an in-depth technical document which discusses the details of our custom algorithm in gory detail.
Ultimately this analysis provides an aggregated stack rank of all the rooms in Phase 2, but as always, we only recognize a subset of these as official award winners. The main reason for this is that the number of nominations needed to reach Phase 2 is a low bar designed to make sure that the very best possible rooms and companies would surely make the list, but it does not guarantee that those that did get nominated actually were significantly better than, say, those that fell one or two nominations short in Phase 1. Regardless, we still present complete final rankings from the Phase 2 analysis, which you can find in the Phase 2 Results.
General Notes and Caveats
It should be noted that while there are nominators and voters from many countries and the project continues to grow, there are still some regions that have had far more players than others. As a result, rooms from some of the less represented countries are limited as to how high on the list they can reach, given that there is a limit to the extrapolation we can do when there is not a lot of comparison data about a given room. We still hope and expect that as rooms from new countries show up on the list, more enthusiasts will play them, and in future years, those regions can find their "proper" place in the rankings.
Second, as the TERPECAs are currently targeted specifically to an English-speaking audience, we acknowledge that the claim of finding the "best rooms in the world" is a bit dubious. As such, until the scope of the project is expanded to include other languages, since 2020 we have included a section that highlights the best websites from around the world that provide high-quality awards or rankings in other languages or in regions that are not currently served well by this project.
Finally, even with the changes since 2022 to reduce the advantage in voting power for those who can rank the most games, the methodology chosen still has a bias that the more rooms someone has played, the bigger an impact they'll have in the rankings, as they'll be able to provide significantly more comparisons between rooms. We accept this as a feature, not a bug, as we believe that it is certainly a defensible position that those with more experience be given greater weight in this regard.
For additional information on the methodology and how the project works, visit the TERPECA Voter Portal FAQ .
The following 1042 rooms were nominated by at least one nominator in Phase 1. Each nomination means that someone with 200 or more rooms of experience decided to list that room as one of their all time favorite rooms. The number of independent nominations is shown in parentheses. The 385 rooms that got 6 or more nominations, or that were winners of a Top Room award last year and were still eligible this year, moved on to Phase 2 as finalists and are shown in bold. This list should explicitly not be taken to be a meaningful ranking, as the geographic distribution of the participants was not uniform.
The Avalanche / An Avalanche of Oblivion [La avalancha / Una avalancha del olvido] - Maximum Escape (Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra) (5) 👻🇬🇧CA🇫🇷🇪🇸
The Cemetery [El Cementerio] - Club del Escape (Buenos Aires, Argentina) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Royal Sorceror [El hechicero real] - Escape Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
A Deadly Dinner - Escaplex Escape Rooms (Adelaide, Australia) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Collector - Urban Mysteries Co (Adelaide, Australia) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
The Butcher Shop - Mayday Escape Rooms (Beechworth, Australia) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Nuclear Enrichment - Area 1 Escape Rooms (Project Immersive) (Brisbane, Australia) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Portal - Area 1 Escape Rooms (Project Immersive) (Brisbane, Australia) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Orphanage - Quest Room (Australia) (Brisbane, Australia) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Curio - Escape Rooms Canberra (Canberra, Australia) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
The House on the Hill - Escape Rooms Canberra (Canberra, Australia) (1) 🔦🇬🇧
The Dungeon - Riddle Room (Australia) (Canberra, Australia) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Hotel - Riddle Room (Australia) (Canberra, Australia) (1) 🔦🇬🇧
The Mine - Riddle Room (Australia) (Canberra, Australia) (2) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Torquay - Elude Escape Rooms (Australia) (Galston, Australia) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Mayhem Manor - Containaphobia (Geelong, Australia) (2) 🔦🇬🇧
Tekapo’s Temple - The Way Out (Gladstone, Australia) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Executioner's Toolshed - Seraphim Escape (Ipswich, Australia) (1) 😱🇬🇧
Fractured - Escape Room Melbourne (Melbourne, Australia) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Haunted House of Horror - Escape or Die (Melbourne, Australia) (3) 🔦🇬🇧
Extraction - The Curium Experience (Melbourne, Australia) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
Deep Space: Divinity & Dark (combined) - Ukiyo (Melbourne, Australia) (4) 👻🇬🇧
Deep Space: Divinity (played standalone without Dark) - Ukiyo (Melbourne, Australia) (1) 👻🇬🇧
The Crumbling Prince, Episode 1 (played standalone without Episode 2) - Ukiyo (Melbourne, Australia) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
The Crumbling Prince, Episodes 1 & 2 (combined) - Ukiyo (Melbourne, Australia) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Diamond Heist - Evolo Room Escape (Moonah, Australia) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Nova: Mission to Mars - Locked In Escape Rooms (Australia) (Mornington, Australia) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Zenith Prime - Realmz Escape Game (Perth, Australia) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Pipeline - Red Vs Blue - Ultimate Roomscape (Perth, Australia) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Earthrise One - Earthrise One (Richmond, Australia) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Knights Templar - Eclipse Escape Rooms (Surfers Paradise, Australia) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Retro Revenge - Eclipse Escape Rooms (Surfers Paradise, Australia) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧
The Flaming Pearl - Eclipse Escape Rooms (Surfers Paradise, Australia) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Dark Dungeon - Lost Locks (Surfers Paradise, Australia) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧
Mad Monster - Lost Locks (Surfers Paradise, Australia) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧
Intruders - Mission Sydney (Sydney, Australia) (5) 😱🇬🇧
Unstoppable - Mission Sydney (Sydney, Australia) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
End of the Road - Next Level Escape (Australia) (Sydney, Australia) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Ex Libris - Next Level Escape (Australia) (Sydney, Australia) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Forest of Echoes - Next Level Escape (Australia) (Sydney, Australia) (7) ☀️🇬🇧
The Game - Next Level Escape (Australia) (Sydney, Australia) (6) ☀️🇬🇧
The Show Must Go On - Next Level Escape (Australia) (Sydney, Australia) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Ransom - Social Escape Rooms Sydney (Sydney, Australia) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
La Rébellion - The Cipher Room (Sydney, Australia) (10) ☀️🇬🇧
Mr Pepper's Toy Shop - The Cipher Room (Sydney, Australia) (12) 😱🇬🇧
The Cabin - The Cipher Room (Sydney, Australia) (1) 🔦🇬🇧
The Marlowe Hotel - The Cipher Room (Sydney, Australia) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Seance - The Cool Space (Sydney, Australia) (5) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Jigsaw - Live - EscapeGame Oberösterreich (EscapeGame) (Micheldorf, Austria) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
Going Underground - Crime Runners (Vienna, Austria) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Subway - First Escape (Vienna, Austria) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Nun - NoWayOut (Vienna, Austria) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
Dragon Cave 2.0 [Drachenhöhle 2.0] - Open The Door (Austria) (Vienna, Austria) (13) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Treasure of Columbus [Der Schatz des Kolumbus] - Open The Door (Austria) (Vienna, Austria) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Villa of Madness [Villa des Wahnsinns] - Escape House Vorchdorf (Vorchdorf, Austria) (5) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Hobbit: Journey to the Lonely Mountain [Хоббит: Путешествие к Одинокой горе] - Quvalda (Minsk, Belarus) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇷🇺
The Illusionist [De Illusionist] - De Kraakfabriek (Antwerp, Belgium) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Demise of the Gricers - Entered (As, Belgium) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇳🇱
Dystopia - Dystopia Escape Game (Brussels, Belgium) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The School of Wizardry - Enygma (Brussels, Belgium) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱🇫🇷
The Daltons' Escape - Escape Prod Brussels (Brussels, Belgium) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Botanist Manor - Escape Rush (Brussels, Belgium) (59) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇳🇱🇫🇷
Submarine Bunker - Escape Rush (Brussels, Belgium) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The White House, Secrets of the Culper Ring - Escape Rush (Brussels, Belgium) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Tokyo Lab - Escape Rush (Brussels, Belgium) (37) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Movies Experience (full 90+ minute version, available since July 21, 2021) - The Push Mystery Rooms (Dudzele, Belgium) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
Jumanji - The Missing Link (Geel, Belgium) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Avalanche - Lockdown (Gent, Belgium) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
In Flanders Fields - Atrium Mortis Escape Rooms (Lebbeke, Belgium) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱🇫🇷
Han's Revenge [De wraak van Han] - De Gouden Kooi (Mechelen, Belgium) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Secret of Saint-Rumoldus [Het geheim van Sint-Rumoldus] - De Gouden Kooi (Mechelen, Belgium) (36) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Grimm's - Breaking Out (Nijlen, Belgium) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Chernobyl - TheStart EscapeRooms (Ranst, Belgium) (18) 😱🇬🇧🇳🇱
Harbor Hotel - TheStart EscapeRooms (Ranst, Belgium) (8) 🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
Erzsébet - Escaping Belgium (Retie, Belgium) (3) 🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
Le Prince - Escaping Belgium (Retie, Belgium) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Hunting Season - Tales of Torchdale (Zoersel, Belgium) (6) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Toy Factory - Tales of Torchdale (Zoersel, Belgium) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
BlueLab - Endorphin Games (Sofia, Bulgaria) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇧🇬
Voodoo [Вуду] - Enigmania (Sofia, Bulgaria) (6) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇧🇬
The Rebellion [Бунт] - Funky Monkeys (Sofia, Bulgaria) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇧🇬
Тhe Mystery of the Secret Chamber [Мистерията на Тайната Стая] - Infinity Escape (Bulgaria) (Sofia, Bulgaria) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇧🇬
Salem's Lot [Salem's Lot] - King's Room (Sofia, Bulgaria) (2) 🔦🇬🇧🇧🇬
The Secret Of Kryptos [Тайната на Криптос] - Myst Entertainment (Sofia, Bulgaria) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇧🇬
Room 66 II [Room 66 II] - Room 66 (Sofia, Bulgaria) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇧🇬
The Revenge [The Revenge] - SawRoom (Sofia, Bulgaria) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇧🇬
Atlantis [Атлантида] - Teorema Escape Rooms (Sofia, Bulgaria) (6) ☀️🇬🇧🇧🇬
Mindmaster Industries - Escape City (Canada) (Edmonton, AB / Saskatoon, SK, AB, Canada) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Containment Breach Z - Cryptic Characters (Edmonton, AB, Canada) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Bomb Squad / The Directive - GTFO (Edmonton, AB, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Cave of Five Elements to Save Humanity - Lockdown Escape Rooms (Red Deer, AB, Canada) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Mystery at the Majestic Theatre - Find and Seek (Vancouver, BC, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Underwater Lair - Escape! Whistler (Whistler, BC, Canada) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Prohibition: Last Call - Captured Escape Rooms (Halifax, NS, Canada) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Graveyard - Next Level Escape Rooms (Canada) (Hamilton, ON, Canada) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Neverland: Heist on the High Seas - Improbable Escapes (Kingston, ON, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Mysterious Miseries of Franklin N. Stein - Improbable Escapes (Kingston, ON, Canada) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Undersea Overthrow - Improbable Escapes (Kingston, ON, Canada) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Robotcalypse - Omventure (Markham, ON, Canada) (2) 👻🇬🇧
Volcano Views: Aerial Tours - Escape From The 6 (Mississauga, ON, Canada) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Below Zero - Crypto Escape Rooms (Newmarket, ON, Canada) (6) 👻🇬🇧
The Extraction - Crypto Escape Rooms (Newmarket, ON, Canada) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
The Lost Shipwreck - Crypto Escape Rooms (Newmarket, ON, Canada) (8) ☀️🇬🇧
The Sorcerer's Secret - Crypto Escape Rooms (Newmarket, ON, Canada) (6) ☀️🇬🇧
Escape from the Tower - Casa Loma Escape Rooms (Secret City) (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Dream Portal - Daydream Adventures (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Ice Cave - Daydream Adventures (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Bunker : AI's Martyrdom - Revo Escape (Toronto, ON, Canada) (3) 👻🇬🇧
The Lab: Lockdown - Revo Escape (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Black Creek Pioneer Village: Where Dark Things Dwell - Secret City (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1) 🔦🇬🇧
The Wrath of Amun Ra - The Imaginarium (Canada) (Toronto, ON, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Missing [Disparue] - Enigma-Tic (Blainville, QC, Canada) (6) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
Circus of the Lost Souls [Le Cirque des Âmes Perdues] - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC, Canada) (2) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
Project R.E.S.E.T. [Projet R.E.S.E.T.] - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC, Canada) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Salutem Medicina Institute [L'Institut Salutem Medicina] - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC, Canada) (10) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Grand Immersia Hotel [Le Grand Immersia Hotel] - Immersia Escape Games Canada (Boisbriand, QC, Canada) (25) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
Magnifico's Circus [Le Cirque Magnifico] - Escaparium (Laval, QC, Canada) (33) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Rain Corp. - Escaparium (Laval, QC, Canada) (27) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Final Stop - V2 (75 minute version, available since June 24, 2023) [Le Dernier Arrêt - V2 (Version de 75 minutes, disponible depuis le 24 juin 2023)] - Escaparium (Laval, QC, Canada) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Forgotten Cathedral [La Cathédrale Oubliée] - Escaparium (Laval, QC, Canada) (automatic) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Lost Island of the Voodoo Queen [L'Île perdue de la Reine Vaudou] - Escaparium (Laval, QC, Canada) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
Wardrobe for Sale [Armoire à Vendre] - Escaparium (Laval, QC, Canada) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Wizard Four and the Book of Black Arts [Les Quatre Sorciers et le Grimoire de l'Art Obscur] - Escaparium (Montreal, QC, Canada) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Wizard Four and the Rise of Lord Thulsa [Les Quatre Sorciers et l'Ascension du Seigneur des Ténèbres] - Escaparium (Montreal, QC, Canada) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
Opus Memori - Ezkapaz (Escaparium) (Montreal, QC, Canada) (3) 👻🇬🇧
2002: A Bovine Odyssey [2002: L'Odyssée Bovine] - Cabinet Mysteriis (Québec City, QC, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Screaming Metal [Ferrailles hurlantes] - Cabinet Mysteriis (Québec City, QC, Canada) (6) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Dreamwalkers [Marcheurs de rêves] - Cabinet Mysteriis (Québec City, QC, Canada) (9) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
Abstraction - Eliviascape (Québec City, QC, Canada) (30) 😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
Judgment Day [Le Jour du Jugement] - Eliviascape (Québec City, QC, Canada) (18) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Longest Night [La nuit la plus longue] - Eliviascape (Québec City, QC, Canada) (4) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
Kappa - Exode Québec (Québec City, QC, Canada) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Secret of the Dunes [Le Secret des Dunes] - À Double Tour (Québec City, QC, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Falderon Forest [La Forêt de Falderon] - Sauve Qui Peut (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada) (17) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Wrath of Poseidon [La Colère de Poséidon] - Sauve Qui Peut (Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Tavern [La taverne] - Évasion Top Chrono (Saint-Jérôme, QC, Canada) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Chaos in Wonderland [Chaos au pays des merveilles] - Paradox42 (Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, QC, Canada) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Chez Mimi Cupcake (On Strike) [Chez Mimi Cupcake (En grève)] - Paradox42 (Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, QC, Canada) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Family [La Famille] - Escaparium (Shawinigan, QC, Canada) (21) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Fairy Confectionary [La ConFéeserie] - SOS Aventures (St-Jérôme, QC, Canada) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Ex(it) Yu - Elephant in the Escape Room (Zagreb, Croatia) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇭🇷
Magical Library [Magična knjižnica] - Escape Art (Zagreb, Croatia) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇭🇷
Haunted Hotel [Ukleti Hotel] - The Old Lock Up Escape Rooms (Zagreb, Croatia) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇭🇷
Morgue - Endorfin (Prague, Czech Republic) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇨🇿
Cinema Úsvit - The Mystery of the Lost Viewers [Kino Úsvit - záhada ztracených diváků] - Lost Exit (Prague, Czech Republic) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇨🇿
An incredible story of Nautilus [Dechberoucí příběh ponorky Nautilus] - MindMaze (Prague, Czech Republic) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇨🇿
Galactic Pioneers - MindMaze (Prague, Czech Republic) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇨🇿
Haunted House - The Chamber (Prague, Czech Republic) (5) 😱🇬🇧🇨🇿
Haunted House 2: Poltergeist - The Chamber (Prague, Czech Republic) (20) 😱🇬🇧🇨🇿
Opus Magnum - The Chamber (Prague, Czech Republic) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇨🇿
Zodiac Patres / Medieval Dungeon - The Chamber (Prague, Czech Republic) (7) 👻🇬🇧🇨🇿
Mission #53 [Mise #53] - The Padlock (Prague, Czech Republic) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇨🇿
Safe: The Secret of Jack Daniel [Trezor: Tajemství Jacka Daniela] - The Padlock (Prague, Czech Republic) (29) ☀️🇬🇧🇨🇿
Downfall - Spy Mission Escape Room - Escape Room by Midgaard Event (Copenhagen, Denmark) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇰
The Secret of the Orphanage - The Room (Estonia) (Tallinn, Estonia) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇪🇷🇺
Alchẽmia - Amazed Games (Helsinki, Finland) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇮
American Express Saga [Amerikaano Xpress Saaga] - Rollagga Escape (Riihimäki, Finland) (5) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇫🇮
Marie's Portraits [Marien Muotokuvat] - Elämysteeri (Tampere, Finland) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇮
Super Alpha World - Escape Time (France) (Angers / Angoulême / Lille / Pertuis / Plaisir-Les Clayes / Strasbourg / Tours / Valence, France) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Mission Tokyo - Escape Time (France) (Angers / Angoulême / Montauban / Plaisir-Les Clayes / Sancy / Saint-Mard / Tours, France) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Mission Kepler - Ilusiom (Anglet, France) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Celestia, the Forgotten City [Celestia, la cité oubliée] - L'Atelier des Énigmes (Annecy, France) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Mrs. Ming's Old Shop [L'échoppe de Madame Ming] - L'Atelier des Énigmes (Annecy, France) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Collector of Kyoto [Le Collectionneur de Kyoto] - Get Back (Arles, France) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Cursed Village [Le Village maudit] - Get Back (Arles, France) (2) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Temple of Mictlantecuhtli [Le Temple de Mictlantecuhtli] - Toolate Escape Game (Bayonne, France) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Cult - Gru (Bordeaux, France) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Forgotten Lab [Le Labo oublié] - Atome Game (Caen, France) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Alpha District - Escape Time (France) (Le Mans, France) (6) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Archeon - Escape Time (France) (Le Mans, France) (6) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Cube [Le Cube] - One Brain (Lille, France) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Alien - Clap Escape (Lyon, France) (9) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
Dracula - Clap Escape (Lyon, France) (11) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
El Paso's Loot [Le Butin d'El Paso] - Clap Escape (Lyon, France) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Theater of Illusions [Le Théâtre des Illusions] - Le Casse-Tête Delaunay (Lyon, France) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Blackwood Affair [L’Affaire Blackwood] - Wake Up (Lyon, France) (2) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
Dollmaker - LIVE Corp. (Montpellier, France) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Booty [Le Butin] - Mission Exit (France) (Montpellier, France) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Last Raiders of the Lost Temple (optimum version - 100 min) [Les derniers aventuriers du temple perdu (version optimum - 100 min)] - Mission Exit (France) (Montpellier, France) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Feydeau - La Ligue des Gentlemen (Nantes, France) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Live Thriller - Borderlive Concepts (Paris, France) (11) 😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
Full Experience: The Magician of Paris & The Funhouse [Full Experience: Le Magicien de Paris & Le Palais de l’horreur] - Deep Inside (Paris, France) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Funhouse (played standalone, not as part of the Full Experience) [Le Palais de l'horreur (joué seul, pas dans le cadre de Full Experience)] - Deep Inside (Paris, France) (7) 😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Magician of Paris (played standalone, not as part of the Full Experience) [Le Magicien de Paris (joué seul, pas dans le cadre de Full Experience)] - Deep Inside (Paris, France) (14) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Forbidden Exploration [L'exploration interdite] - Hell Out (Paris, France) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇫🇷🇪🇸
The Crypt [La Crypte] - Le Donjon (Paris, France) (8) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Cursed Lovers [Les amants maudits] - Le Donjon (Paris, France) (5) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Immortal [L'Immortel] - Le Donjon (Paris, France) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Last Knight Templars [Les derniers Templiers] - Le Donjon (Paris, France) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
L.A. Confidential - Lock Academy (Paris, France) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Revolt at Lock Academy [Révolte à la Lock] - Lock Academy (Paris, France) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Examination [L’Examen] - Lock Academy (Paris, France) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Galactic Mission [Mission Galactique] - Majestic Escape Game (Paris, France) (11) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Titanic - Majestic Escape Game (Paris, France) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Light Stone [La Pierre de lumière] - Masterio (Paris, France) (18) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Lost Asylum - One Hour (France) (Paris, France) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Doomed Expedition [L'Expédition Maudite] - One Hour (France) (Paris, France) (33) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Slaughterhouse [L'Abattoir] - One Hour (France) (Paris, France) (18) 😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
Fairy Tale Regulations [Règlement de Contes] - Pandore & Associés (Paris, France) (26) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Fantastic Warehouse [L’Entrepôt Fantastique] - Pandore & Associés (Paris, France) (22) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Mystery of the Deveaux Family [L'Affaire du Manoir Deveaux] - Panik Room (Paris, France) (11) 😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
Houdini - Phobia Escape Games (Paris, France) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Cannibal Island - Quest Factory (Paris, France) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Druid's Bane [Le Fléau du Druide] - Quest Factory (Paris, France) (39) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Disappearance of the Zanetti Train [La disparition du train Zanetti] - Secrets Hunters (Paris, France) (11) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Secret Mission [Mission secrète] - The Game (France) (Paris, France) (19) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Far West [Le Far West] - The Game (France) (Paris, France) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Haunted Cinema [Le cinéma hanté] - The Game (France) (Paris, France) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Metro [Le métro] - The Game (France) (Paris, France) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Plane [L'avion] - The Game (France) (Paris, France) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Chemical Hallucinations of Dr. Grant [Hallucinations Chimiques chez le Dr. Grant] - The One Escape (Paris, France) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Murder on the Orient Express [Le Crime de l'Orient-Express] - The One Escape (Paris, France) (17) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Nautilus, the Aronnax Expedition [Nautilus, l’Expédition Aronnax] - Unleash Escape (Paris, France) (22) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Mysterium: The Strange Warren Mansion [Mysterium : l’étrange manoir Warren] - Ghostbusters Live Escape Game (Pernes-les-Fontaines, France) (4) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
Jungle Quest - Escape Dimension (Perpignan, France) (6) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷🇪🇸
Mystery on Lived Street [Mystère à Lived Street] - Escape Dimension (Perpignan, France) (6) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
A Monster in the Closet [Un monstre dans le placard] - A Maze In (Strasbourg) (Strasbourg, France) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷
2408: The Evil Twins Room [2408 : La Chambre des Jumeaux Maléfiques] - The Hostel (Talence, France) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Lost Temple [Le temple perdu] - Enigma Escape (Toulouse, France) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Show (Blue Course) [The Show (Parcours Bleu)] - Enigma Escape (Toulouse, France) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Dark Tattoo - Projet Dédale (Toulouse, France) (3) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
Vegas Baby! - oneBreakout (Altenstadt, Germany) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Secret of the Magic Trail [Das Geheimnis des magischen Spur] - FunXperience (Bad Oeynhausen, Germany) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Voodoo Legacy [Das Voodoo Vermächtnis] - FunXperience (Bad Oeynhausen, Germany) (4) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
Metropolis 2099 - Dream Labs Adventures (Bad Steben, Germany) (13) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Tale of the Heartless Pirate [Die Legende vom herzlosen Piraten] - Dream Labs Adventures (Bad Steben, Germany) (38) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Alice in Wonderland [Alice im Wunderland] - CineRoom Bamberg (Bamberg, Germany) (9) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
School of the Burning Souls - CineRoom Bamberg (Bamberg, Germany) (5) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
Tomb Hunter - Finest Escape (Bamberg, Germany) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Puppeteer / The Steampunk Puppeteer - Final Escape (Berlin, Germany) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
One Night in Hong Kong - House of Tales (Berlin, Germany) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Executioner [Der Henker] - House of Tales (Berlin, Germany) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
Alien Grill - Illuminati Escape (Berlin, Germany) (2) 👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
Frankenstein - Miraculum (The Room Labs) (Berlin, Germany) (6) 👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Golden Phoenix - Miraculum (The Room Labs) (Berlin, Germany) (19) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Beast of Berlin - The Room (Berlin, Germany) (7) 🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
Ghosthunter Brandon Darkmoor [Geisterjäger Brandon Darkmoor] - The Room (Berlin, Germany) (automatic) 🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
Go West - The Room (Berlin, Germany) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Lost Treasure of Alexander von Humboldt - The Room (Berlin, Germany) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Alley [Die Gasse] - Rätselraum Ruhrpott (Bochum, Germany) (26) 🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
Mjölnir - Fugio (Bonn, Germany) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Ancum - The Great [Ancum – Der Große] - Timebreak (Bonn, Germany) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Temple Hunter [Tempeljäger] - Timebreak (Bonn, Germany) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Yarrum's Magic Hut [Yarrums magische Hütte] - Timebreak (Bonn, Germany) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Secret Elixir [Das geheime Elixier] - Hidden Games (Braunschweig, Germany) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Bavari Sacrilegio - Whom God Has Rejected [Bavari Sacrilegio - wen Gott hat verworfen] - Escape Room Dorfen (Dorfen, Germany) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Johanna, the White Lady of Moosen Monastery [Johanna, die weiße Frau von Kloster Moosen] - Escape Room Dorfen (Dorfen, Germany) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
Huntington - Experience Dresden (Dresden, Germany) (3) 🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Heist / Christmas Heist - Experience Dresden (Dresden, Germany) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
It's Back! [Es ist Zurück!] - The Code Agency (Düsseldorf, Germany) (13) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
Obscurus - Saving the Magical World [Obscurus - Die Rettung der magischen Welt] - The Code Agency (Düsseldorf, Germany) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
Tears of Hekate [Hekates Tränen] - The Code Agency (Düsseldorf, Germany) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Poltergeist [Der Poltergeist] - The Code Agency (Düsseldorf, Germany) (2) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Search for the Scepter of Light [Die Suche nach dem Zepter des Lichts] - The Code Agency (Düsseldorf, Germany) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Get Together - Room Fox (Frankfurt am Main, Germany) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Relictum - Secret Escape Game (Frankfurt, Germany) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Roof - Secret Escape Game (Frankfurt, Germany) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
Private Detective Sir Peter Morgan and “The Heir of Dracula” [Privatdetektiv Sir Peter Morgan und “Der Erbe Draculas”] - Alma Park (Gelsenkirchen, Germany) (2) 👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Search for the Holy Grail [Die Suche nach dem Heilige Gral] - Alma Park (Gelsenkirchen, Germany) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Showdown in the Saloon [Showdown im Saloon] - Countdown (Germany) (Gilching, Germany) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Madhouse - Sanatorium Pottsfield - EXITnow (Hagen, Germany) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
Crime Scene Heartbreak [Tatort Herzeleid] - Pause/Play (Hamburg / Stuttgart, Germany) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Insomnia - Big Break Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Toy Maker [Der Spielzeugmacher] - Big Break Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Time Travel - Big Break Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Neptune's Curse [Der Fluch des Neptun] - Hidden Games (Hamburg, Germany) (16) 👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Forbidden Game [Das verbotene Spiel] - Hidden Games (Hamburg, Germany) (4) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Golden Skull [Der goldene Schädel] - Hidden Games (Hamburg, Germany) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Master of Time [Der Meister der Zeit] - Hidden Games (Hamburg, Germany) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Wailing Woman [Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und die weinende Frau] - Skurrilum (Hamburg, Germany) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
Ghost Hunter Ernie Hudson and the Zoo of Death [Geisterjäger Ernie Hudson und der Zoo des Todes] - Skurrilum (Hamburg, Germany) (27) 🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
Magic School: The Secret Mission [Zauberschule: Der geheime Auftrag] - ROOM - Running Out Of Minutes (Hannover, Germany) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
1818: Save the Union [1818: Rettet die Union] - KeyTown (Kaiserslautern, Germany) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Christmas Dream [Der Weihnachts(T)raum] - KeyTown (Kaiserslautern, Germany) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Element Number 5 [Das 5. Element] - Adventurebox (Karlsruhe, Germany) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Panzerknacker - The Art of Stealing [Panzerknacker - Die Kunst des Stehlens] - Limbus Escape Center (Krefeld, Germany) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Dark Machinations in Zagini's Magic Store [Dunkle Machenschaften in Zaginis Zauberladen] - Timebreak (Mönchengladbach, Germany) (9) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Dr. Brown Boyd's Mental Hospital [Dr. Brown Boyd's Nervenheilanstalt] - Timebreak (Mönchengladbach, Germany) (9) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
Money Rush [Geldrausch] - 66 Minuten (Neuwied, Germany) (4) 🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Amulet [Das Amulett] - 66 Minuten (Neuwied, Germany) (6) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
Trophy Collector [Trophäensammler] - 66 Minuten (Neuwied, Germany) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Legends of the Magic Academy Part 1 [Die Legenden der Zauberakademie Teil 1] - Finest Escape (Nuremberg, Germany) (4) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
Final Stop Line 1 [Endstation Linie 1] - RSCAPE (Remscheid, Germany) (6) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Hidden Chamber - Salzufler Unterwelt (The Room Labs) (Salzuflen, Germany) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Watchmaker's Secret [Das Geheimnis der Uhrmacherin] - Harz Escape (Wernigerode, Germany) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Kuriosum: Artifact of Darkness [Kuriosum: Artefakt der Finsternis] - Escape Room Witten / Gloomworks Department (Witten, Germany) (33) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
Asylum of Fear - Escape Stories - Live Escape Game Wuppertal (Wuppertal, Germany) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Dark Forest - Escape Stories - Live Escape Game Wuppertal (Wuppertal, Germany) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Executioner [Der Henker] - Escape Stories - Live Escape Game Wuppertal (Wuppertal, Germany) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇩🇪
M'ama - #SUSPENSE (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Grudge - 1Way Escape Room (Athens, Greece) (19) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Prison - Adventure Arena (Athens, Greece) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Arkham's Docklands - Arkham (Athens, Greece) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇬🇷
Arkham's Witchouse - Arkham (Athens, Greece) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Lilliput [Lilipout] - Art of Escape (Athens, Greece) (6) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Scooby...Who? - Art of Escape (Athens, Greece) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Monika’s Diary, Theory I / Act I: Monika's Diary - Ban Bang Theory (Athens, Greece) (6) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Litchver Woodland, Theory III / Act II: The Litchver Woodland - Ban Bang Theory (Athens, Greece) (15) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Evil Inside - Bloodlines Escape Room (Athens, Greece) (18) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Outcast - Brain On Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (6) 🔦🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Order Of Light - BrainCells (Athens, Greece) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Hide N Seek - Brainiac Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (36) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Mary's Dolls - C9H13NO3 Donors (Athens, Greece) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Operation Black "I" - C9H13NO3 Donors (Athens, Greece) (19) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Prometheus - Clock Escape Rooms (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Rebellion - Clock Escape Rooms (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Truth or Dare - Clock Escape Rooms (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (17) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Illusionist & the Stolen Gem - Clueso (Athens, Greece) (5) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Woman in Black - Coven Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Stigmata - Dark Maze Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Painting - Dark Sense (Athens, Greece) (5) 👻🇬🇧🇬🇷
Manifesto - Dark Vision Project (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Sacrifice - Disappear Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Immortal / Room 201: Immortal - Escape Theory (Athens, Greece) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Otherside / Room 107: Otherside - Escape Theory (Athens, Greece) (6) 👻🇬🇧🇬🇷
Phantom of the Opera / Room 203: Phantom of the Opera - Escape Theory (Athens, Greece) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇬🇷
Houdini - Escape World (Athens, Greece) (28) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇬🇷
Lethal Decision - EscapeClue (Athens, Greece) (11) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Lethal Decision 2: Hell Awaits - EscapeClue (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Cosmos 05: Death in Space - Escapepolis (Athens, Greece) (16) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Dark Mirror - Escapepolis (Athens, Greece) (5) 👻🇬🇧🇬🇷
Hellevator - Escapepolis (Athens, Greece) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Butcher - Escapepolis (Athens, Greece) (15) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Creepy Store and the Lost Souls - Escapepolis (Athens, Greece) (7) 👻🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Dark Side of Elements - Exit Plan (Athens, Greece) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Ghost Writer - Horror Productions (Athens, Greece) (25) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Axe Murders House Of Villisca - Horrorwood Escape rooms (Athens, Greece) (5) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Bloody Mary - Illusion Escape Rooms (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (3) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Supernatural - Illusion Escape Rooms (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (5) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
03:15 - Insanity Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (10) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Lambelet 16 [Λαμπελέτ 16] - Kar.Lo Company (Athens, Greece) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Omerta - Last Wish (Athens, Greece) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Puppeteer - LockDown Escape Rooms (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇬🇷
The School of the Burning Souls - LockDown Escape Rooms (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (12) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Escape the Car - Killer - Lockbusters (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (2) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Sinister - Lockbusters (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (8) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Chapel & Catacombs - Lockhill (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Lockwood Manor [Η Έπαυλη Lockwood] - Lockhill (Athens, Greece) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Sanatorium (Midnight Mode) [Το Σανατόριο (Μεσάνυχτα)] - Lockhill (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Sanatorium (Night Mode) [Το Σανατόριο (Νύχτα)] - Lockhill (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Mystic Investigation - Mystic Corporation (Athens, Greece) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷🇪🇸
Mystic Project - Mystic Corporation (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷🇪🇸
Metanoia - Neverland (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (20) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Amen - Neverland (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Death Row - No Exit (Athens, Greece) (41) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
El Exorcista - No Exit (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Wanted: Dead or Alive - No Exit (Athens, Greece) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Last Resort - No Hope (Athens, Greece) (5) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Paradox Project 2: The Bookstore [Paradox Project 2: To Βιβλιοπωλείο] - Paradox Project (Athens, Greece) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Paradox Project 3: The Music Academy [Paradox Project 3: Το Ωδείον] - Paradox Project (Athens, Greece) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Paradox Project: The Mansion [Paradox Project: Η Έπαυλη] - Paradox Project (Athens, Greece) (35) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Boogeyman - Reality Ripples (Athens, Greece) (2) 🔦🇬🇧🇬🇷
Swamp Of Sorrows: Death And Despair - Room 54 (Athens, Greece) (2) 🔦🇬🇧🇬🇷
Krampusnacht - Serial Grifers (Athens, Greece) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Why? - Seven Souls (Athens, Greece) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Sherlock Maze 2 - Sherlocked Homes (Athens, Greece) (22) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Cursed Willy - Sherlocked Homes (Athens, Greece) (9) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Orphanage [Orfanato] - Spookey Escape (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Wake Up - Station 33 (Athens, Greece) (15) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Mine Box - The Box (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Mrs. Rose's House - The Darkwood Village (Athens, Greece) (2) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Red Riding Hood - The Mind Hunters (Athens, Greece) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇬🇷
Silent Hills pt.2 - The Mindtrap (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇬🇷
Archon's Bar - The Rubicon (Athens, Greece) (5) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Exam - The Rubicon (Athens, Greece) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Experimentum X - Trapped (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (11) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Bride in Black - Vansa Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (2) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Curse of La Llorona - Vansa Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (14) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Don't Take a Breath - Verone (Athens, Greece) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Ice Tiki - Way Out Escape Rooms (Greece) (Athens, Greece) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇬🇷
Zoe - XII Divisions Escape Rooms (Athens, Greece) (26) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Mea Culpa - Fear Factor (Piraeus, Greece) (6) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
The Freak Show - Count Town (Thessaloniki, Greece) (4) 😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
25.12 - Great Escape (Greece) (Thessaloniki, Greece) (5) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇬🇷
Deadland [Deadland] - Aroom Budapest (Locked Room Budapest) (Budapest, Hungary) (4) 👻🇬🇧🇭🇺
House of Escobar [Az Escobar ház] - Aroom Budapest (Locked Room Budapest) (Budapest, Hungary) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇭🇺
Santa Muerte [Santa Muerte] - E-Exit (Budapest, Hungary) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇭🇺
Secret Subway [Titkos Metró] - E-Exit (Budapest, Hungary) (11) ☀️🇬🇧🇭🇺
White Mission [Fehér szoba] - Gozsdu Mission (Budapest, Hungary) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇭🇺
Magic Castle [Varázskastély] - Mystique Room (Hungary) (Budapest, Hungary) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇭🇺
The Lost Crystal Skull [Az elveszett kristálykoponya] - Mystique Room (Hungary) (Budapest, Hungary) (6) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇭🇺
Aztec Catacomb [Azték sírkamra] - Neverland (Hungary) (Budapest, Hungary) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇭🇺
Plan Budapest - Bank Robbery [A nagy pénzrablás] - Neverland (Hungary) (Budapest, Hungary) (6) ☀️🇬🇧🇭🇺🇪🇸
Pirate Cave [Kalózbarlang] - Pirate Cave Escape Room (Budapest, Hungary) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇭🇺
Alcatraz - Pandora Experience (Bali / Jakarta, Indonesia) (3) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Legends of El Dorado - Pandora Experience (Bali / Jakarta, Indonesia) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Shutter Asylum - Pandora Experience (Bali / Surabaya, Indonesia) (3) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Uncle Joe's Inheritance - Escape Room Gili Air (Gili Air, Indonesia) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Convicts - Escape Boats (Dublin, Ireland) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
SOS - Escape Boats (Dublin, Ireland) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
Pirates' Robbers [שודדי הפיראטים] - Escape Life (Ashdod, Israel) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
The Rock Pub: Mystery in the Kibbutz [תעלומת הרוק פאב בקיבוץ] - Paradise Escape (Beit Zera, Israel) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Abandoned Museum [מוזיאון נטוש] - Escape Room Israel (Haifa, Israel) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇮🇱
Chocolate World [עולם השוקולד] - Amazon Escape (Holon, Israel) (7) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Hansel and Gretel [עמי ותמי] - Amazon Escape (Holon, Israel) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Kofiko [קופיקו] - Amazon Escape (Holon, Israel) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Battle of Kitchens [קרב מטבחים] - Open The Door (Israel) (Jerusalem, Israel) (9) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Robin Hood [רובין הוד] - Action Game (Kfar Saba, Israel) (17) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
The Knights' Watch [חדר בריחה אבירי הלילה] - QuesTeam (Merhavia, Israel) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
King Arthur and The Lost Sword (Excalibur) [המלך ארתור והחרב האבודה (אקסקליבר)] - Escape Room Israel (Nesher, Israel) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Prophecy [הנבואה] - My Real Quest (Nesher, Israel) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱🇷🇺
Game of Thrones [משחקי הכס - הצפון זוכר] - Placebo Escape Room (Netanya, Israel) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Harry Potter's Adventures [הרפתקאות הארי פוטר] - Puzzle Box (Netanya, Israel) (16) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Jack the Ripper [ג'ק המרטש] - Escape Room Israel (Petah Tikva, Israel) (5) 😱🇬🇧🇮🇱
The Vikings [הויקינגים] - Escape Room Israel (Petah Tikva, Israel) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Action! [אקשן!] - The Maze (Petah Tikva, Israel) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Cube [קיוב] - The Maze (Petah Tikva, Israel) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Heist Battles [קרב כספות] - The Maze (Petah Tikva, Israel) (13) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
The Sting [העוקץ] - The Maze (Petah Tikva, Israel) (13) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Money Heist [בית הנייר] - Inside Out (Ra'anana, Israel) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱🇪🇸
Squid Game [משחקי הדיונון] - Inside Out (Ra'anana, Israel) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Infinity [אינפיניטי] - Escape Center (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (10) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
The Intervention [ההתערבות] - Escape Center (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
The Kami Temple [מקדש הקאמי] - Escape Center (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
The Neighbor's Mansion [אחוזת השכן] - Escape Center (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇮🇱🇷🇺
Book of Shadows [ספר הצללים] - Game IT (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Heroes vs. Villains [גיבורים נגד נבלים] - Game IT (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (6) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Gulliver's Travels [מסעות גוליבר] - Sherlocked Israel (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (9) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Way to Glory [בדרך לתהילה] - Show Time (Rishon LeZion, Israel) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Grease [גריז] - Escape Room Israel (Tel Aviv / Holon, Israel) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Dead Pixels - The Crypto Heist [חדר בריחה מפוקסלים - שוד הקריפטו] - Escape Room Israel (Tel Aviv, Israel) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
The Butchery [הקצביה] - Escape Room Israel (Tel Aviv, Israel) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇮🇱
Hollywood 117 [הוליווד 117] - Hype Esc (Tel Aviv, Israel) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
The Six - Hype Esc (Tel Aviv, Israel) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Eurovision Pizza Party [מסיבת הפיצה לאירוויזיון] - Panica Escape (Tel Aviv, Israel) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇱
Suitcase of Dreams [La Valigia dei Sogni] - Emporium Escape (Milan, Italy) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇹
Interstellar - Evasion Escape Room Milano (Milan, Italy) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇹
Birth Machine - Mad Machines (Milan, Italy) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇹
Time Machine - Mad Machines (Milan, Italy) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇹
Pirate Cave - Trap Milano (Milan, Italy) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇹
The Refuge of Shadows [Il Rifugio delle Ombre] - Occulto Escape Room (Parma, Italy) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇹
Yoru's Blood Moon [Yoru - La Luna di Sangue] - AdventureRooms (Rome, Italy) (2) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇮🇹
Alice - Questhouse (Rome, Italy) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇮🇹
For Queen and Country: A Vintage Spy Adventure [女王と国のために] - Studio Escape (Osaka, Japan) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇯🇵
Shadow Zen [漆黒の悟り] - Studio Escape (Osaka, Japan) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇯🇵
Escape from The Red Room - SCRAP (Toronto, ON, Canada / Tokyo, Japan) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇯🇵
Poppet - Rock City Escape (Amersfoort, Netherlands) (15) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
Soup du Jour - Rock City Escape (Amersfoort, Netherlands) (29) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Amsterdam Catacombs - Logic Locks (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (60) 😱🇬🇧🇳🇱
Judgment Day - My Escape Club (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Arcade Invasion - Questomatica (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱🇫🇷🇩🇪🇪🇸CA🇮🇹🇷🇺🇸🇪
Wake Up! - Questomatica (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱🇫🇷🇩🇪🇪🇸CA🇮🇹🇷🇺🇸🇪
The Alchemist - Sherlocked (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
The Architect - Sherlocked (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Vault - Sherlocked (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (16) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Corpse Inc. - Escaperoom Junkie (Baarn, Netherlands) (21) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Dome - Mama Bazooka (Bunschoten, Netherlands) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Girl's Room [De Meisjeskamer] - Mama Bazooka (Bunschoten, Netherlands) (4) 🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Asylum - Silent Town (Burgum, Netherlands) (7) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇳🇱
Freakshow - DarkPark (Delft, Netherlands) (8) 🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Lost Dutchman - Escape Ede (Ede, Netherlands) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Catch Me If You Can - Next Level (Netherlands) (Eindhoven, Netherlands) (19) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Water of Life [Levenswater] - Emmelocked Escape Room (Emmeloord, Netherlands) (6) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Escaperoom Groenlo - 1627 - Escaperoom Groenlo (Groenlo, Netherlands) (12) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱🇩🇪
Triplicate Institute - Escape Room The Cube (Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱🇩🇪
Bella Ciao - Escape Room Katwijk (Katwijk, Netherlands) (6) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Here I Am - Escape Room Katwijk (Katwijk, Netherlands) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Pray - Escape Room Katwijk (Katwijk, Netherlands) (58) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
Inferno - Timed Adventures (Katwijk, Netherlands) (11) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Escape from Wonderland - Escape from Wonderland (Leiden, Netherlands) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Rebecca - Your Escape (Leiden, Netherlands) (4) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Non Believers - Your Escape (Leiden, Netherlands) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
Jason's Legacy - OuterGround Escape Rooms (Rijswijk, Netherlands) (automatic) 🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Execution - OuterGround Escape Rooms (Rijswijk, Netherlands) (8) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Brotherhood - The Brotherhood (Stompetoren, Netherlands) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
Stay in the Dark - DarkPark (Vlaardingen, Netherlands) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇳🇱
Lost and Found - Kamer 237 (Volkel, Netherlands) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Room 237 [Kamer 237] - Kamer 237 (Volkel, Netherlands) (36) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Concierge [De Conciërge] - Kamer 237 (Volkel, Netherlands) (17) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Molly's Game - Down the Hatch (Voorburg, Netherlands) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
Illusion - Epic Escape (Netherlands) (Waalwijk, Netherlands) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
If Walls Could Whisper / The Orphanage - DarkPark (Zoetermeer, Netherlands) (25) 🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
The End - DarkPark (Zoetermeer, Netherlands) (automatic) 🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Honeymoon Hotel - DarkPark (Zoetermeer, Netherlands) (17) 🔦🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Courtroom - The Great Escape (Netherlands) (Zwolle, Netherlands) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Deal - The Great Escape (Netherlands) (Zwolle, Netherlands) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
The Mission - The Great Escape (Netherlands) (Zwolle, Netherlands) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇳🇱
Family Secrets - Breakout Room (Netherlands) (‘s-Hertogenbosh, Netherlands) (3) 👻🇬🇧🇳🇱
Into the Dark - CodeBreakers (Christchurch, New Zealand) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Riddle Ridge School - Escape Artists (New Zealand) (Christchurch, New Zealand) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Atlantis - Escape Mate (Wellington, New Zealand) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Unkindness MC - Escape Kristiansand (Kristiansand, Norway) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇳🇴
Carla’s Secret - Arctic Escape (Tromsø, Norway) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇳🇴
Murder at the Circus - Reality Adventures (Trondheim, Norway) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇳🇴
Freakshow - Break The Brain (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (3) 😱🇬🇧🇵🇱
Insanity [Obłęd] - Break The Brain (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇵🇱
School of Magic - Year One [Szkoła Magii - pierwszy rok] - Break The Brain (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Superheroom - Mr Lock (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (6) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
In the Shadow of the Pyramids [W cieniu piramid] - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (12) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Nautilus: The Underwater Adventure [Nautilus: Podmorska Przygoda] - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Operation: Metro [Operacja: Metro] - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (20) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Sea Tales [Morskie Opowieści] - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz, Poland) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Pirate's Tavern [Piracka Tawerna] - Wyjście Awaryjne (Bydgoszcz, Warsaw, Poland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Transmigration [Transmigracja] - Escape Graal (Bytom, Poland) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Expecto Patronum! - Escape Time (Poland) (Gdańsk, Poland) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Perfume [Pachnidło] - Escape Time (Poland) (Gdańsk, Poland) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱
Steampunk: An Alternate Reality [Steampunk - alternatywna rzeczywistość] - Escape Time (Poland) (Gdańsk, Poland) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
The Legend of the Seven Rings [Legenda Siedmiu Pierścieni] - Escape Time (Poland) (Gdańsk, Poland) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
The Warrior's Spirit [Duch Wojownika] - Escape Time (Poland) (Gdańsk, Poland) (3) 🔦🇬🇧🇵🇱
Fallen Kingdom [Upadłe Królestwo] - Questrooms (Poland) (Gdańsk, Poland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
The Moonshiner - Zorkout Escape Rooms (Gdańsk, Poland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Gates of Time - Silent Night [Wrota Czasu - Cicha Noc] - TickTack (Gliwice, Poland) (22) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Location [Lokalizacja] - TickTack (Gliwice, Poland) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
City Tunnels [Tunele pod miastem] - Quest Cage (Katowice, Poland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Moriarty Ltd [Moriarty sp. z o.o.] - Quest Cage (Katowice, Poland) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
The Old Toy Store [Stary sklep z zabawkami] - Sic Mundus (Kraków, Poland) (3) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇵🇱
Dwarves [Krasnoludy] - Clue Room Poznań (Escapelandia) (Poznań, Poland) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Personality [Osobowość] - Continuum Poznań (Poznań, Poland) (15) 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱
Strangers [Nieznajomi] - Continuum Poznań (Poznań, Poland) (11) 😱🇬🇧🇵🇱
Dead Man's Revenge [Zemsta Umarlaka] - DreamScape (Poznań, Poland) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Galaxy of Secrets [Galaktyka Tajemnic] - Escape Arena (Poznań, Poland) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Vikings - Amulets of Power [Wikingowie - Amulety Mocy] - Escape Arena (Poznań, Poland) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Funeral Home [Dom pogrzebowy] - Fun4Brain (Escapelandia) (Poznań, Poland) (5) 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱
Grandpa's Secret [Sekret dziadka] - Fun4Brain (Escapelandia) (Poznań, Poland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
The Green Mile [Zielona Mila] - Fun4Brain (Escapelandia) (Poznań, Poland) (26) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇵🇱
Overlook [Panorama] - Set Me Free (Rybnik, Poland) (2) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇵🇱
Frank & Stein - Questrooms (Poland) (Sopot, Poland) (12) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Prisoned in a Fallout [Osadzeni w Bunkrze] - 8 Gates Escape Room (Warsaw, Poland) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Warsaw Uprising [Powstanie Warszawskie] - Black Cat Escape Room (Warsaw, Poland) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱🇷🇺
Magician from Muveszet District [Sztukmistrz z dzielnicy Muveszet] - Mysterious Room (Warsaw, Poland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Catacombs [Katakumby] - Zagadkownia (Warsaw, Poland) (7) 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱
Missing [Zaginiona] - Zagadkownia (Warsaw, Poland) (3) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇵🇱
Abandoned Hotel [Opuszczony Hotel] - (Wrocław, Poland) (automatic) 🔦🇬🇧🇵🇱
Asylum [Obłęd] - (Wrocław, Poland) (15) 😱🇬🇧🇵🇱
Betrayal in Breslau [Zdrada w Breslau] - (Wrocław, Poland) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱
King Arthur's Dungeons [Lochy Króla Artura] - (Wrocław, Poland) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Necromancer - Ritual of Death [Nekromanta - Rytuał Śmierci] - (Wrocław, Poland) (3) 👻🇬🇧🇵🇱
The Book of Magic - The Witch’s Spell [Księga Magii - Czar Wiedźmy] - (Wrocław, Poland) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱🇺🇦
Time Machine - The Secret of Leonardo [Wehikuł Czasu - Tajemnica Leonarda] - (Wrocław, Poland) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Volcano in Madagascar [Duch Wulkanu - Człowieki w Kotle] - (Wrocław, Poland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇵🇱
Paranoia [Paranoja] - Tkalnia Zagadek (Łódź, Poland) (5) 😱🇬🇧🇵🇱
The Basement - Escape2Win (Lisbon, Portugal) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇵🇹
Underground - Escape2Win (Lisbon, Portugal) (7) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇵🇹
Code Red - Obscuria (Brasov, Romania) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇷🇴
Dracula: The Second Coming - Obscuria (Brasov, Romania) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇷🇴
Art of Murder [Art of Murder] - Gap the Mind (Bucharest, Romania) (2) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇷🇴
X-Mutants United [X-Mutants United] - Inside Rooms (Bucharest, Romania) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇷🇴
The Amulet [The Amulet] - Locked Up Real Room Escapes (Bucharest, Romania) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇷🇴
The Temple / Artifact [Templul / Artefact] - Next Level Escape (Romania) (Bucharest, Romania) (12) ☀️🇬🇧🇷🇴
Steampunk Chronicles [Steampunk Chronicles] - Troll Escape Room (The Codex) (Bucharest, Romania) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
GhostHunters [Охотники на привидений] - Claustrophobia (Moscow, Russia) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇷🇺
Pirates [Pirates] - Crowbar Escape (Belgrade, Serbia) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇷🇸
The Missing Symphony [Nestala Simfonija] - Epic Escape (Serbia) (Belgrade, Serbia) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇷🇸
Pandora - (Košice, Slovakia) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇸🇰
Sensperience - Enigmarium (Ljubljana, Slovenia) (2) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇸🇮
The Lost Submarine: Operation Waterman [Operacija Povodni mož] - Enigmarium (Ljubljana, Slovenia) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇸🇮
When the Full Moon Rises: The Return of the Werewolf [Volkodlakova vrnitev] - Enigmarium (Ljubljana, Slovenia) (2) 👻🇬🇧🇸🇮
Ongyi's Dream - Deepthinker (Seoul, South Korea) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇰🇷
Bæd Time [배드 타임] - Oasis Museum (Seoul, South Korea) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇰🇷
Compadre Robbery [Atraco al Compadre] - Start Play (Alcantarilla, Spain) (21) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Mine [La mina] - Share-Lock Escape Room (Almería, Spain) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸🇫🇷
Abduction 3: The Exam - Abduction (Badalona / Bilbao / Madrid / Murcia, Spain) (15) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Abduction 4: Enterprises - Abduction (Badalona, Spain) (13) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Chapter One: The Greenhouse [Capítulo 1: El Invernadero] - Resident Riddle (Barcelona / Madrid, Spain) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
Mutant X-Perience - Action Room Escape / Elements Fuego (Elements Escape Rooms) (Barcelona, Spain) (1) 👻🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
Barum Dum - Cinema Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Scepter of Fire [El cetro de fuego] - Elements Fuego (Elements Escape Rooms) (Barcelona, Spain) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
NW6 Bunker - Enigmik (Barcelona, Spain) (1) ☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
The Brewery [La Cerveseria] - Enigmik (Barcelona, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Nakatomi Plaza - Escape Republik (Mad Mansion) (Barcelona, Spain) (26) ☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
The Orphanage [El Orfanato] - Fear Factory Experience (Barcelona, Spain) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Bermuda: The Secret Never Revealed [Bermudas, el secreto jamás revelado] - Final Code (Plastic Robot) (Barcelona, Spain) (7) ☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
Escapestory - Fugitivos Room Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
Catacombs [Catacumbas] - Golden Pop (Barcelona, Spain) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Jurassic [Jurásico] - Golden Pop (Barcelona, Spain) (49) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Biohazard - Horror Box (Barcelona, Spain) (9) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Catalepsy [Catalepsia] - Horror Box (Barcelona, Spain) (3) 🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Diamond of Souls [El diamante de almas] - Inmortal Room / Elements Materia Oscura (Elements Escape Rooms) (Barcelona, Spain) (9) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Never Ever (Peter Room) [Nunca Jamás (Sala Peter)] - KeyPlay Granollers (Barcelona, Spain) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
Kidnapped in Barcelona - Kidnapped in BCN (Barcelona, Spain) (12) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
Vault 27 [Refugio 27] - Maximum Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Conquest of Troy [Conquista de Troya] - Neverland Escape (Spain) (Barcelona, Spain) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Explosives Specialist [Artificiero] - Open Mind Room Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Slasher Party - Open Mind Room Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (8) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Arcane Call [La Llamada Arcana] - Plastic Robot (Barcelona, Spain) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
Awaken - Red Dopamine (Barcelona, Spain) (5) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
PsycoKiller - The Little Blue House [PsycoKiller - La Casita Azul] - Soul Games (Barcelona, Spain) (4) 🔦🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
District 111 [Distrito 111] - Unreal Room Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Bar [El Bar] - Unreal Room Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Wonders of Agrabah [Las Maravillas de Agrabah] - Unreal Room Escape (Barcelona, Spain) (9) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Whitechapel: Charlotte's History [Whitechapel: La historia de Charlotte] - Whitechapel (Barcelona, Spain) (25) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Curse of the Jaguar [La Maldición del Jaguar] - La Fabrica Escape Room (Benidorm, Spain) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Secret of Kaos [El secreto de Kaos] - Mente Colmena Rooms (Beranga, Spain) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Doctor's Cocktail [El Cóctel del Doctor] - Insomnia Corporation (Berga, Spain) (5) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The House [La Casa] - Insomnia Corporation (Berga, Spain) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Interview [La Entrevista] - Cubick (Bilbao / Madrid / Mataró / Menorca / Valencia, Spain) (4) 🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Rebellion: Hybrid Bloodline [La Rebelión: Línea de Sangre Híbrida] - Blindhouse Games (Bilbao, Spain) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
Petra - The Lost Kingdom (Full Expedition - 120 min) [Petra - El reino perdido (expedición completa - 120 min)] - Petra Escape Room (Bilbao, Spain) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
Petra - The Lost Kingdom (Initial Expedition - 90 min) (played standalone, NOT as part of the 120 min version) [Petra - El reino perdido (expedición inicial - 90 min) (jugado de forma independiente, NO como parte de la versión de 120 min)] - Petra Escape Room (Bilbao, Spain) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
Roomions - Virus Room Escape (Calella, Spain) (16) 🆕☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
Tao Room Escape: Japanese Massage Center - Virus Room Escape (Calella, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Halloween City [Ciudad Halloween] - Carthago Escape Room (Cartagena, Spain) (10) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Entrenched / Blue Experience: Entrenched [Atrincherados / Experiencia Azul: Atrincherados] - Conecta Escape: Elements Tierra (Elements Escape Rooms) / Colors Escape Room (Experiencity) (Cerdanyola del Vallès / Madrid, Spain) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
11S - Open Mind Room Escape (Cornellá de Llobregat, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Outline - Outline Escape Room (Cornellá de Llobregat, Spain) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Brotherhood of the Shadows [La Hermandad de las Sombras] - Castlemaniacs (Mad Mansion) (Cuarte de Huerva, Spain) (10) 🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Sailboat [El velero] - Escape Masnou (El Masnou, Spain) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
The Cabin [La cabaña] - Escapop (El Médano, Spain) (2) 🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
Judy's Deathly Hallows: Inside the Dream [Las reliquias de Judy: Dentro del sueño] - La Logia Negra Escape Room (Elche, Spain) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
Road to the Black Lodge [Camino a la Logia Negra] - La Logia Negra Escape Room (Elche, Spain) (8) 🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
Tests [Las Pruebas] - Hiruko Eskape (Elizondo, Spain) (9) 🆕☀️🇬🇧EU🇪🇸
Kemet Mysteries / The Forgotten Tomb [Misterios de Kemet / La tumba olvidada] - Kenopsia (Esplugues de Llobregat, Spain) (10) ☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
Worm - Metamorfosis Escape Room (Esplugues de Llobregat, Spain) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Vikings [Vikingos] - Unreal Room Escape (Gava, Spain) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Elkano Escape Room [Elkano Ihes Gela] - Experientziak (Getaria, Spain) (10) ☀️🇬🇧EU🇪🇸
The Secret of the Mountain [El Secreto de la Montaña] - Haunted House (Gijón, Spain) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Inmortum 2 - Hostal 83 (Gironella, Spain) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Rídel Case [El Caso Rídel] - Rubik Escape Room (Gran Canaria, Spain) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Sergey Call Center [Locutorio Sergey] - Locutorio Sergey Escape Room (Granada, Spain) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Profane [Profana] - Fear Factory Experience (Granollers, Spain) (3) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Mine [La mina] - Unreal Room Escape (Hospitalet de Llobregat / Irun, Spain) (9) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Narcos - Unreal Room Escape (Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Malum - Krematorium Escape Rooms Experience (L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Keops Space Project Full (180 minute version) [Keops Space Project Full (versión de 180 minutos)] - Keops Room Escape Lleida (Lleida, Spain) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Transporter - Eureka! Escape Room (Logroño, Spain) (12) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
MegaChef / Cooking Academy [MegaChef / Academia de cocina] - Clue Hunter / The City (Elements Escape Rooms) (Madrid / Terrassa / Valencia, Spain) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Cryogenic [Criogenic] - Criogenic (Madrid / Zaragoza, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
A Lost Case [Un caso perdido] - Action House (Madrid, Spain) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Library Rats [Ratas de Biblioteca] - Action House (Madrid, Spain) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Bites Motel - Bite the Fly (Madrid, Spain) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Bride [La Novia] - Black Lake Escape Room (Madrid, Spain) (21) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Yellow Experience [Experiencia Amarilla] - Colors Escape Room (Experiencity) (Madrid, Spain) (8) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Maze [El Laberinto] - Descifra Escape Room (Madrid, Spain) (24) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Golden Chicken Saloon [El Pollo Dorado Saloon] - Fox in a Box (Madrid, Spain) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Relics of the Past [Las Reliquias del Pasado] - Get Out Escape Room (Spain) (Madrid, Spain) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧EUCA🇪🇸
Madrid Mine / Quintana Mine / The Mine Diavik [Mina Madrid / Mina de Quintana / La mina Diavik] - Hidden Escape Room (Madrid, Spain) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Descendants of Sokar [Descendientes de Sokar] - Illusion Escape Room (Spain) (Madrid, Spain) (13) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Operation Steampunk [Operación Steampunk] - Incognito Escape Game (Madrid, Spain) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸🇫🇷
The Professor's Disappearance [La desaparición del profesor] - La Cronosfera Agencia del Tiempo (Madrid, Spain) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Tailor [El Sastre] - Locktopus (Madrid, Spain) (10) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Blair Forest [El Bosque de Blair] - Madrid Terror (Madrid, Spain) (5) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Saint [La Santa] - Shock Creations (Madrid, Spain) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Chapter 2: Diamond of Souls [Capítulo 2: Diamante de Almas] - Terror Stories (Experiencity) (Madrid, Spain) (6) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Chapter 1: The Darkness [Capítulo 1: La Oscuridad] - Terror Stories (Experiencity) (Madrid, Spain) (1) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Game-On - La Clau (Manresa, Spain) (6) ☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
Nathael - Cubick (Mataró, Spain) (18) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Mysterious Room [Escapafantasmas] - Cubick (Mataró, Spain) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
SoulBound [SoulBound] - Habitació 13 (Mataró, Spain) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Room Angie / Roomanji - Ilusium (Mataró, Spain) (3) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Poison - Kadabra Escape (Mataró, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
9:1 - The Blackout Escape Room (Molina de Segura, Spain) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Trap [La trampa] - Escape Play (Murcia, Spain) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Cursed Expedition [Expedición Maldita] - Mythos Escape Room (Murcia, Spain) (14) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
Futura - Futura (Pineda de Mar, Spain) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
El Conservador - Escape Room Roses (Roses, Spain) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸🇫🇷
NightShift - CruPont Legacy (formerly Unreal Room Escape) (Sabadell, Spain) (10) 🆕😱🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
One-eyed Willy [Willy el Tuerto] - Willy el Tuerto Escape Room (Sabadell, Spain) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Possession [La posesión] - Arcanum (Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Spain) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
Alien: The Origin [Alien: El origen] - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain) (7) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
CyberCity 2049 - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
K.O.N.G Protocol - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain) (37) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
Tomb Hunter: Akasha's Legend [Tomb Hunter: La leyenda de Akasha] - Escape Barcelona (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain) (17) 🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
Olympus [Olimpo] - Portento (Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Spain) (7) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Dream [El Sueño] - Arcadia Escape Room (Sevilla, Spain) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Organum - Rowka Escape Room (Terrassa, Spain) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
Ellebanna - Estrategy (Terrassa, Spain) (6) 😱🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
The Tavern [La Taberna] - The City Escape Room (Elements Escape Rooms, Vortex Escape) (Terrassa, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Apophis - Vortex Escape (Terrassa, Spain) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
T-Virus Apocalypse - Madness Toledo Escape Room (Mad Mansion) (Toledo, Spain) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Mystery of Scum Island - Madness Toledo Escape Room (Mad Mansion) (Toledo, Spain) (24) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Josep Fontcalda House Museum [Casa Museu Josep Fontcalda] - 1801 Escape Room (Tona, Spain) (22) ☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
Source Code: (Secret Project 2.0) [Código Fuente: (Proyecto Secreto 2)] - Torrenigma (Torre del Mar, Spain) (4) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Black Experience: The Madman in the Alley [Experienca Negra: El loco del callejón] - Colors Escape Room (Experiencity) (Valencia, Spain) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Charon [Caronte] - Evil House (Valencia, Spain) (10) 😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Perfect Shot in Buddha's Garden [Golpe perfecto en el jardín de Buda] - Factoría Escape Room (Valencia, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Haunted House - Run Rabbit (Valencia, Spain) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧🇪🇸
Medieval Dungeon [La Mazmorra] - Run Rabbit (Valencia, Spain) (2) 👻🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Hairdressing [La Peluquería] - The X-Door (Valencia, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Last Dragon [El Último Dragón] - The X-Door (Valencia, Spain) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Cellular Odyssey [Odisea Celular] - Can Bruna (Vilafranca del Penedès, Spain) (14) ☀️🇬🇧CA🇪🇸
The Innkeeper's Son [El hijo del posadero] - DragonBorn Escape Room (Mad Mansion) (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
The Raven Inn: Complete Stay [La posada del cuervo: Estancia completa] - La Posada del Cuervo Escape Room (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
A Legendary Adventure [Una Aventura de Leyenda] - Mayto Kingdom (Mad Mansion) (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain) (39) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇪🇸
Ritual - Locked ZGZ Escape Room (Zaragoza, Spain) (2) 🔦🇬🇧🇪🇸
Jack - Sherlocked Sweden (Malmö, Sweden) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧
The Tenants - Sherlocked Sweden (Malmö, Sweden) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Kaleidoscope 1963 [Kaleidoskop 1963] - Time Maze (Baden, Switzerland) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Forbidden City 1901 [Die verbotene Stadt 1901] - Time Maze (Baden, Switzerland) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Heist 1847 [Beutezug 1847] - Time Maze (Baden, Switzerland) (2) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Escape from Earth - Mastermind (Bern, Switzerland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Antenna Palace - Trapgame (Charrat, Switzerland) (11) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Jurassic Jones - Trapgame (Charrat, Switzerland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
West City Prison [La Prison de West City] - Trapgame (Charrat, Switzerland) (11) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
An Evening with the Voodoo Queen [Une soirée avec la Reine Vaudou] - Trip Trap (Geneva, Switzerland) (1) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Aunt Hilda's Room [La Chambre de Tante Hilda] - Trip Trap (Geneva, Switzerland) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Mr. Trippolyte's Cinema / Mr. Trippolyte's Vestibule [Le Cinéma de M. Trippolyte / Le Vestibule de M. Trippolyte] - Trip Trap (Geneva, Switzerland) (13) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Antiquary’s Testament [Le Testament de l'Antiquaire] - Trip Trap (Geneva, Switzerland) (11) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
The House of Uncle Cornelius [La Maison de Tonton Cornélius] - Trip Trap (Geneva, Switzerland) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Orient Express: The Death Journey [Orient Express: Die Todesfahrt] - Next Level Escape (Switzerland) (Kloten, Switzerland) (4) 👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
Secret Tales from the Brothers Grimm - Next Level Escape (Switzerland) (Kloten, Switzerland) (11) 👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Abandoned Mansion [Le Manoir Abandonné] - Trapgame (Martigny, Switzerland) (1) 🔦🇬🇧🇫🇷
The Pirates of the Blacktrap [Les Pirates du Blacktrap] - Trapgame (Martigny, Switzerland) (5) ☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Ice Corp and the Superheroes [Icecorp et les Super-héros] - Get Out (Switzerland) (Vevey, Switzerland) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇫🇷
Ministry of Mysteries [Ministerium der Mysterien] - Geheimgang 188 (Winterthur, Switzerland) (2) 👻🇬🇧🇩🇪
The Alchemist's Legacy [Das Vermächtnis des Alchemisten] - Geheimgang 188 (Winterthur, Switzerland) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Alice in Wonderland [Alice im Wunderland] - ROOM Escape Room (Zürich, Switzerland) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧🇩🇪
Da Vinci Code - ROOM Escape Room (Zürich, Switzerland) (1) 👻🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇪🇮🇹🇪🇸
Dream House 2.0 - Forbidden Quest (Belfast, UK) (2) 🆕😱🇬🇧
The Goblins of Toadsmead - Beverley Breakout (Beverley, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Blood Over Baker Street - Hackers (Billericay, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
The Legend of Miyalock: Forbidden Magic - Clue HQ (Birmingham, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Labyrinth: Lord Barrington's Folly - Escape Brum (Birmingham, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
M.A.R.V.O. Induction - Marvo Mysteries (Bournemouth, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Loot the Lanes - Pier Pressure (Brighton, UK) (6) ☀️🇬🇧
Atlantis - The Escapement (UK) (Broadstairs, UK) (9) ☀️🇬🇧
Wunderwaffe Operation Quartz - The Escapement (UK) (Broadstairs, UK) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
UI-55 - Compendium (Bury, UK) (5) ☀️🇬🇧
The Comms Room - Escape in the Towers (Canterbury, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
The 13th Floor - Escape Rooms Cardiff (Cardiff, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Great Escape - Exitus Escape Rooms (UK) (Cardiff, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Basement - Unsolved Mysteries (Chatham, UK) (3) 🆕👻🇬🇧
The Cabin - Unsolved Mysteries (Chatham, UK) (2) 👻🇬🇧
Questionable Ethics - Hounds Escape Game Experiences (Crawley, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Southern Dis-Comfort - Hounds Escape Game Experiences (Crawley, UK) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
The Explorer's Diary - Hounds Escape Game Experiences (Crawley, UK) (6) ☀️🇬🇧
Dodge City - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley, UK) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Nethercott Manor - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley, UK) (5) 👻🇬🇧
SpellCraft - Tulleys Escape Rooms (Crawley, UK) (12) ☀️🇬🇧
Into The Reliquary - Dark Master Escape Rooms (Crowborough, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
OneWing Airlines - Dark Master Escape Rooms (Crowborough, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Spellbound - Make Your Escape (Derby, UK) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Viking - Extremescape (Disley, UK) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Radio Nowhere - Case Closed (Edinburgh, UK) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Murder of Max Sinclair / Case Closed - Case Closed (Edinburgh, UK) (6) ☀️🇬🇧
The Secret Lab - Locked in Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Mixed-Up Mind of Mr Crabheal - Escape from the Room (Epsom, UK) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Secret Santa - Time 2 Escape (Frittenden, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Star Crew - Escape Reality Glasgow (Glasgow, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Bloodline - Locked In Glasgow (Glasgow, UK) (3) 👻🇬🇧
Area 51½ - The Escaporium (Halifax, UK) (7) ☀️🇬🇧
TestRun - Stuck in the Riddle (Huddersfield, UK) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
The Debtors of 1850 - Inveraray Jail (Inveraray, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Jungle - Escape Rooms Suffolk (Kenny Hill, UK) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Mobbery! - Agent Brains (Letchworth Garden City, UK) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Escape from the Cursed Galleon - Roomination (Llanfyllin, UK) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Crystal Maze - The Crystal Maze (London / Manchester, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Pushed for Time - Escape Plan (London, UK) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Roll Out the Barrel - Escape Plan (London, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Adventure Begins - Escape Plan (London, UK) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
The Battle for Britain - Escape Plan (London, UK) (8) ☀️🇬🇧
Secret Studio - Escape in Time (UK) (London, UK) (1) 😱🇬🇧
Sherlock: The Game is Now - Hartswood Films / Time Run (London, UK) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
cQ ORIGENES - clueQuest (London, UK) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Henry Fortune's House of Illusion - Escape Quest (Macclesfield, UK) (9) ☀️🇬🇧
Mr Copplestone's Curiosity Shoppe - Escape Quest (Macclesfield, UK) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
Percy Pendleton's Peculiar Predicament - Escape Quest (Macclesfield, UK) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
Titterton's Toffees - Escape Quest (Macclesfield, UK) (9) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Pit - The Escapement (UK) (Margate, UK) (6) ☀️🇬🇧
The Heist - Exit Newcastle (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Extinct - Escape from Jurassic Island - Houdini's Escape Room Experience (Nottingham / Southampton, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Monuments - Cave Escape (Nottingham, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Daylight Robbery - Cryptology (Nottingham, UK) (8) ☀️🇬🇧
Curio - Escapologic (Nottingham, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Robin of Lockskey - Escapologic (Nottingham, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Lab 42: Part 1 of The Helix Project - TimeQuest (Paddock Wood, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
University of Magic: Dragon's Heart - Lucardo (Rawtenstall, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Age of Magic - Escape Reading (Reading, UK) (5) ☀️🇬🇧
The Ram Raid - Escape Reading (Reading, UK) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
Dirty Money - Knockout Escape Rooms (Reading, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Curiouser and Curiouser - TimeTrap Escape Rooms (Reading, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Pudding Lane 1666 - TimeTrap Escape Rooms (Reading, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Afterlife - Cryptology (Sheffield, UK) (1) 👻🇬🇧
The Curse of Captain Kraken - PerpleXed Escape Rooms (Soham, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Spellbound - The Escape House (St Neots, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Castaway - EO Escape Rooms (Sudbury, UK) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Scary Tale - EO Escape Rooms (Sudbury, UK) (1) 👻🇬🇧
The Keyper's Secret - EO Escape Rooms (Sudbury, UK) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Creep - Clockwork Escapes (Telford, UK) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Oz - Xscape Now (Telford, UK) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Runaway Train - Xscape Now (Telford, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Step Into Wonderland - Xscape Now (Telford, UK) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Escape Room Cottage - The Escape Room Cottage (Tewkesbury, UK) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Mega Bite - Clue Cracker (Tunbridge Wells, UK) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
Temple Quest - Clue Cracker (Tunbridge Wells, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Diamond Dogs - Clue Cracker (Tunbridge Wells, UK) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Outatime - Escapable (Wakefield, UK) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
The Great Loudini (Live Magic & Puzzles Edition) - Escapable (Wakefield, UK) (11) ☀️🇬🇧
Diamond Mine - Lakes Escapes (Workington, UK) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Trapped for Cash - Mindworks Escape Rooms (Worthing, UK) (5) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Prison Break - The Escape Game (Irvine, CA / Los Angeles, CA / Orange, CA / Rancho Cucamonga, CA / San Diego, CA / San Francisco, CA / Torrance, CA / Washington, DC / Jacksonville, FL / Miami, FL / Orlando, FL / Atlanta, GA / Honolulu, HI / Chicago, IL / New Orleans, LA / Dedham, MA / Kansas City, MO / Minneapolis, MN / Concord, NC / East Rutherford, NJ / Las Vegas, NV / Brooklyn, NY / New York, NY / Cincinnati, OH / Columbus, OH / Westlake, OH / King of Prussia, PA / Myrtle Beach, SC / Gatlinburg, TN / Nashville, TN / Pigeon Forge, TN / Austin, TX / Grapevine, TX / Houston, TX / San Antonio, TX / The Colony, TX, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Playground - The Escape Game (Irvine, CA / Orange, CA / Rancho Cucamonga, CA / San Francisco, CA / Torrance, CA / Jacksonville, FL / Orlando, FL / Tampa, FL / Atlanta, GA / Honolulu, HI / New Orleans, LA / Concord, NC / East Rutherford, NJ / Las Vegas, NV / Brooklyn, NY / New York, NY / Cincinnati, OH / Columbus, OH / King of Prussia, PA / Nashville, TN / Austin, TX / Grapevine, TX / Houston, TX / San Antonio, TX / The Colony, TX, USA) (11) ☀️🇬🇧
Gold Rush - The Escape Game (Irvine, CA / San Diego, CA / San Francisco, CA / San Jose, CA / Torrance, CA / Jacksonville, FL / Miami, FL / Orlando, FL / Sunrise, FL / Atlanta, GA / Honolulu, HI / Chicago, IL / Dedham, MA / Minneapolis, MN / Kansas City, MO / Concord, NC / East Rutherford, NJ / Las Vegas, NV / Brooklyn, NY / New York, NY / Cincinnati, OH / Columbus, OH / King of Prussia, PA / Myrtle Beach, SC / Gatlinburg, TN / Nashville, TN / Pigeon Forge, TN / Austin, TX / Grapevine, TX / Houston, TX / San Antonio, TX / The Colony, TX, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Rugrats: Search for the Losted Toys - The Escape Game (Las Vegas, NV / King of Prussia, PA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Scooby-Doo and the Spooky Castle Adventure - Escapology (London, ON, Canada / Waterloo, ON, Canada / Punta Cana, Dominican Republic / A Coruña, Spain / Phoenix, AZ / Carlsbad, CA / Lake Elsinore, CA / Northridge, CA / San Diego, CA / San Francisco, CA / San Ramon, CA / Universal City, CA / Colorado Springs, CO / Trumbull, CT / Doral, FL / Fort Lauderdale, FL / Gainesville, FL / Kissimmee, FL / Orlando, FL / Plantation, FL / Sarasota, FL / Tampa, FL / Columbus, GA / McDonough, GA / Sandy Springs, GA / Cedar Rapids, IA / Clive, IA / Downers Grove, IL / Orland Park, IL / Greenwood, IN / Leawood, KS / Tewksbury, MA / National Harbor, MD / Mt. Clemens, MI / Portage, MI / Burnsville, MN / St. Peters, MO / Charlotte, NC / Fayetteville, NC / Garwood, NJ / Las Vegas, NV / Mentor, OH / North Olmsted, OH / Clackamas, OR / Columbia, SC / Myrtle Beach, SC / Pigeon Forge, TN / Dallas, TX / El Paso, TX / Harker Heights, TX / Houston, TX / McKinney, TX / San Antonio, TX / The Woodlands, TX / Tyler, TX / Fairfax, VA / Verona, WI, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Ruins: Forbidden Treasure - The Escape Game (Nashville, TN / Pigeon Forge, TN, USA) (6) ☀️🇬🇧
Professor Bleehall's Odditorium Emporium & Pie Shoppe - Escape Room Novi / Brooklyn Escape Room / EscapeX (Novi, MI / Brooklyn, NY / Costa Mesa, CA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Pandora's Box - Trapped! (United States) (San Dimas, CA / Las Vegas, NV, USA) (5) 👻🇬🇧
The Basement (original game, not Unhinged, not PG version) - The Basement (Sylmar, CA / Kansas City, MO / Las Vegas, NV, USA) (1) 😱🇬🇧
The Study - The Basement (Sylmar, CA / Kansas City, MO / Las Vegas, NV, USA) (2) 😱🇬🇧
Conjured Kingdoms - Alaska Escape Rooms (Anchorage, AK, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Bionic Dilemma - A Narrow Escape (Hot Springs, AR, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Return of the Pharaohs - Paragon Escape Games (Mesa, AZ, USA) (7) ☀️🇬🇧
The Isle of Wonder - The Greatest Escape (Phoenix, AZ, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Sal's Cybernetics - The Immersive Machine (Phoenix, AZ, USA) (26) ☀️🇬🇧
EVIL Robots - The Nemesis Club (Phoenix, AZ, USA) (19) ☀️🇬🇧
Henchmen's Heist - The Nemesis Club (Phoenix, AZ, USA) (15) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Mogollon Monster - The Nemesis Club (Phoenix, AZ, USA) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧
The Candy Shoppe - Inferno Escape Room (Tempe, AZ, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Solano Human Project - The Solano Human Project (Albany, CA, USA) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Hex Room - Cross Roads Escape Games (Anaheim, CA, USA) (7) 🔦🇬🇧
The Weeping Witch - Cross Roads Escape Games (Anaheim, CA, USA) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧
13th Basement - Exit Game (California) (Anaheim, CA, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Hope End - The Ministry of Peculiarities (Azusa, CA, USA) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧
Midnight on the Bayou - Red Lantern Escape Rooms (Brea, CA, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Dr. Hader's Cartoon World / Dr. Hader Loses! - Scenario Escape Room (Brea, CA, USA) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
The Mad Rapper - Scenario Escape Room (Brea, CA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Ghost Patrol - Trivium Games (Emeryville, CA, USA) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧
Chapter 1: Occam's Apartment - Off The Couch (Fremont / Santa Clara, CA, USA) (5) 🔦🇬🇧
Chapter 2: Norcross Art Gallery - Off The Couch (Fremont / Santa Clara, CA, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Chapter 3: The Morgue - Off The Couch (Fremont / Santa Clara, CA, USA) (9) 🔦🇬🇧
The Magic Cottage: Sister's Curse - Infinity Escape (USA) (Fullerton, CA, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
S.A.S.H.A.: Home of the Future - Wild Goose Escapes (Fullerton, CA, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Starship | Interstellar Escape - Wild Goose Escapes (Fullerton, CA, USA) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Curse of the Black Knight - EscapeX (Irvine, CA, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Irvine School of Wizardry and the Dragon Wand - Hidden Donkey (Irvine, CA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Irvine School of Wizardry and the Goblin's Secrets - Hidden Donkey (Irvine, CA, USA) (9) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Battleship - Deceptive Games (Lake Forest, CA, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Turing Test - 60out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Wizard's Treasure - 60out Escape Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (7) ☀️🇬🇧
Inksidious - Escape Room 66 (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (5) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Mush Room - Escape Room 66 (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Black Dragon - Escape Room L.A. (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Lab Rat - Hatch Escapes (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
The Ladder - Hatch Escapes (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (31) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Nest - Hatch Escapes / Scout Expedition Co. (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (21) ☀️🇬🇧
Pharaoh's Tomb - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Something’s Out There - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (4) 🆕😱🇬🇧
The Temple of Lost Gold - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Whatever Happened to the Garretts - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
World of Illusions - Maze Rooms (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Project Minotaur - Quest Room (US) (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧
Stash House - Stash House (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (19) ☀️🇬🇧
Escobar: Part 1 (The Betrayal) - The Escape Revolution (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Prison Break: Wrongfully Convicted - The Escape Revolution (Los Angeles, CA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Murder in London - The Ultimate Escape Rooms (Marina Del Rey, CA, USA) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Cold Case - Clever Fox Escape Rooms (Menifee, CA, USA) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧
Winnie The Pooh - MindTrap Escape Room (California) (Murrieta, CA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Pirates of the Mediterranean: The Curse of the Crystal Cavern - Top Tier Escape Rooms (Oceanside, CA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Bridge Between - Quest Tavern Escape Room (Pomona, CA, USA) (7) ☀️🇬🇧
The Last Supper - Quest Tavern Escape Room (Pomona, CA, USA) (26) 👻🇬🇧
Headcase - Breaking Point Escape Rooms (Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA) (6) 🔦🇬🇧
The Secret at Whitmore Estate - Breaking Point Escape Rooms (Rancho Cucamonga, CA, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Warlocked - Quest Room (US) (Redondo Beach, CA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Whispering Halls - Enchambered (Sacramento, CA, USA) (1) 🔦🇬🇧
Woodbury's Wizarding School - Exit Strategy Games (CA) (Sacramento, CA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
45 Lampkin Lane - Confusion Escapes (San Bernardino, CA, USA) (4) 😱🇬🇧
The Treehouse - Confusion Escapes (San Bernardino, CA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Moriarty's Manor - MindFox Escape (San Diego, CA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Lost Expedition - Steal and Escape (San Diego, CA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Neighbor - Steal and Escape (San Diego, CA, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
The Attraction - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA, USA) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
The Edison Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA, USA) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
The Great Houdini Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA, USA) (7) ☀️🇬🇧
The Roosevelt Escape Room - Palace Games (San Francisco, CA, USA) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
Treasure Island - Brain Games (San Pedro, CA, USA) (9) ☀️🇬🇧
Twenty Ghosts - Brain Games (San Pedro, CA, USA) (6) 🆕👻🇬🇧
The Ghost of Mentryville - Arcane Escape Rooms (Santa Clarita, CA, USA) (14) 👻🇬🇧
Rita’s Relics - Escape! at Margarita Adventures (Santa Margarita, CA, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Chaos in the Galleria - Omescape (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) (5) ☀️🇬🇧
Haunting at Haruka High - Omescape (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) (9) 🆕😱🇬🇧
Midnight in Hong Kong - Omescape (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Robotopia - Omescape (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
Undercooked - Omescape (Sunnyvale, CA, USA) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
The Courtyard - The Basement (Sylmar, CA, USA) (2) 😱🇬🇧
The Elevator Shaft - The Basement (Sylmar, CA, USA) (1) 🔦🇬🇧
40 Thieves - MindTrap Escape Room (California) (Temecula, CA, USA) (23) ☀️🇬🇧
The Tipsy Tailor - Escapement Rooms (US) (Tustin, CA, USA) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
Ink & Ashes - Exodus Escape Room (US) (Tustin, CA, USA) (4) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Jewel of the Sea - Intrepid Escape Rooms (Tustin, CA, USA) (3) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Wild Heart Ranch - Wild Heart Ranch (Twentynine Palms, CA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Murder Co (original version) - Black Market Escape Rooms (Upland, CA, USA) (1) 😱🇬🇧
Atlantis: The Forgotten City - Hypnotic Escape Rooms (Van Nuys, CA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Hijinx at Joffre Manor - Nerdy by Nature Escape Rooms (Viejo, CA, USA) (2) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Condemned 2: The Box - NorCal Escape Co. (Yuba City, CA, USA) (5) 😱🇬🇧
Experiment C73 - Conundrum Escape Rooms (Arvada, CO, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Plight of the Margo 1 & 2 - ConTRAPtions Escape Rooms (Fort Collins, CO, USA) (3) 👻🇬🇧
Frost Base Z - Rabbit Hole Recreation Services (Louisville, CO, USA) (6) ☀️🇬🇧
Paradox: The Incredible Time Machine - Rabbit Hole Recreation Services (Louisville, CO, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Ruins of the Mystic Temple - Rabbit Hole Recreation Services (Louisville, CO, USA) (9) ☀️🇬🇧
Wizard's Tower - Time Emporium (Loveland, CO, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Homicide Hotel: Room 303 (Chapter 1) - 303 Escape (Thornton, CO, USA) (3) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
Breathless - Mind Factory (Bridgeport, CT, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Invasion - Mind Factory (Bridgeport, CT, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Time Chasers: Race for the Cure - trap't Escape Room Adventures (Stamford, CT, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Wigwam Escape Room - Wigwam Escape (Washington, CT, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
BeWitched - Lara's Labyrinth (Wethersfield, CT, USA) (3) 👻🇬🇧
Pins & Needles Tattoo Parlor - The Exit Games (Clearwater, FL, USA) (automatic) 🔦🇬🇧
Servants of Sleight - The Exit Games (Clearwater, FL, USA) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
Strange Magic - Mind Masters Challenge Chambers (Clermont, FL, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
At The Hop Ice Cream Shop - Dare 2 Escape (Kissimmee, FL, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
The Seventh Room - Dare 2 Escape (Kissimmee, FL, USA) (4) 😱🇬🇧
Captain Spoopy Bones and the Magnificent Quest For Some Other Pirate's Treasure - Doldrick's Escape Room (Kissimmee, FL, USA) (16) ☀️🇬🇧
Crazy Train: The Ballad of Skeemin' Plotz - Doldrick's Escape Room (Kissimmee, FL, USA) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
Dream - Escape Artists Orlando (Orlando, FL, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
A Knight to Escape - Escape Effect (Orlando, FL, USA) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
Possession at Haddon Heights - The Bureau (Orlando, FL, USA) (2) 😱🇬🇧
Puppet Heist: The Hand of Life - The Bureau (Orlando, FL, USA) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
UFO: Go for Launch - The Bureau (Orlando, FL, USA) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
Bros for Life: Fraternity Heist - The Escape Ventures (Orlando, FL, USA) (14) ☀️🇬🇧
Neighborhood Watcher - The Escape Ventures (Orlando, FL, USA) (13) 🔦🇬🇧
Operation Arctic Storm: The Final Meltdown - The Escape Ventures (Orlando, FL, USA) (28) ☀️🇬🇧
Outage: No Vacancy - The Escape Ventures (Orlando, FL, USA) (1) 🔦🇬🇧
Cinema 7 - Will to Escape (Orlando, FL, USA) (2) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
Disappearance: Last Location - Will to Escape (Orlando, FL, USA) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
Click 'N Glitch - The Escape Ventures (Port Charlotte, FL, USA) (6) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Nightfall: Creature at Camp Deadwood - The Escape Ventures (Port Charlotte, FL, USA) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
Phantom Files: The Investigation of Lockturne Manor - The Escape Ventures (Port Charlotte, FL, USA) (7) 🆕👻🇬🇧
The Quest: Revenge of the Garzon Dragon - Escape Goat (Winter Garden, FL, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Alien Terror - Escape the Netherworld (Stone Mountain, GA, USA) (2) 😱🇬🇧
Tiki Island - Escape the Netherworld (Stone Mountain, GA, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Y2K - Breakout Waikiki (Honolulu, HI, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Escape the 90s - The Quandary (Chicago, IL, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Candy Factory - Escapade 360 (Elgin, IL, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Mystery Manor - 60 to Escape (Gurnee / Schaumburg, IL, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
The Passage - Twisted Limits Escape Rooms (McHenry, IL, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Mafia Heist - Mind Trap Escape Rooms (Illinois) (Montgomery, IL, USA) (6) 👻🇬🇧
Cheesie's Pizza Party - 60 to Escape (Schaumburg, IL, USA) (4) 👻🇬🇧
Lockbuster Video - 60 to Escape (Schaumburg, IL, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Game Night - CU Adventures in Time and Space (Urbana, IL, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Revenge of the Cabin - CU Adventures in Time and Space (Urbana, IL, USA) (2) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
Rise of the Icarus - CU Adventures in Time and Space (Urbana, IL, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
The Wizard's Curse - CU Adventures in Time and Space (Urbana, IL, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Pyramid Paradox - Tick Tock Escape Rooms (Overland Park, KS, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Murder Mansion - Countdown Games (US) (Lexington, KY, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Agent 13 - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (2) 👻🇬🇧
Cutthroat Cavern - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧
Disappearance of Flight 13 - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Spellbound - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (6) 👻🇬🇧
The Asylum - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (6) 🔦🇬🇧
The Collector - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (1) 🔦🇬🇧
Tomb of Anubis - 13th Gate Escape (Baton Rouge, LA, USA) (14) ☀️🇬🇧
French Quarter House of Curiosities - Clue Carré (New Orleans, LA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Smugglers Den - Escape My Room (New Orleans, LA, USA) (3) 👻🇬🇧
Hide & Seek - The Escape Warehouse (Ponchatoula, LA, USA) (6) 🔦🇬🇧
Unidentified: The Case of Mystery Gates Theme Park - The Escape Warehouse (Ponchatoula, LA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Conundrum Museum - Boxaroo (Boston, MA, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Mystery of the Magician's Study - Boxaroo (Boston, MA, USA) (2) 👻🇬🇧
The Storyteller's Secret - Boxaroo (Boston, MA, USA) (automatic) ☀️🇬🇧
The Hot Dog Heist - Trapology Boston (Boston, MA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Institute - Trapology Boston (Boston, MA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Witching Hour - Trapology Boston (Boston, MA, USA) (2) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
The Body Shop - Red Fox Escapes (Cambridge, MA, USA) (17) 👻🇬🇧
The Heist - Red Fox Escapes (Cambridge, MA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The U-Boat - Red Fox Escapes (Cambridge, MA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Observatory - The Gate Escape (Leominster, MA, USA) (5) ☀️🇬🇧
The Boring Office - Stained Hourglass Escapes (Salem, MA, USA) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Crane Manor - Clue IQ (Frederick, MD, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Mysteries of the Menagerie - Hoodwinked (Mexico, ME, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Dwelling - Michigan Escape Games (Davison, MI, USA) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Escape the Asylum - Eloise Asylum (Westland, MI, USA) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
The Aurora Society - Decode Ypsilanti (Decode Detroit) (Ypsilanti, MI, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Founder's Secret - The Lodge of Lazarus Crowe (Saint Paul, MN, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Folklore - Escape Code (Branson, MO, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Secret Passage - Escape Code (Branson, MO, USA) (2) 👻🇬🇧
90’s Nostalgia - Boxed In Escape Rooms (Festus, MO, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Save The Queen - Adventures of Intrigue (St. Louis, MO, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Nevermore - Nocturne Adventures (Hickory, NC, USA) (3) 👻🇬🇧
Ripper - Nocturne Adventures (Hickory, NC, USA) (1) 😱🇬🇧
Ghastly Escapes Chapter 1: The Bagman - Masterpiece Escapes (Indian Trail, NC, USA) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧
Wrecked - Masterpiece Escapes (Indian Trail, NC, USA) (3) 👻🇬🇧
A Twist of Oz - Key to Escape (North Carolina) (Statesville, NC, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Hidden Needle Tattoo Parlor - The Exit Games (Wilmington, NC, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Campground - 13th Hour Escape Rooms (Wharton, NJ, USA) (7) 🆕👻🇬🇧
The Grand Parlor - 13th Hour Escape Rooms (Wharton, NJ, USA) (6) 😱🇬🇧
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - 13th Hour Escape Rooms (Wharton, NJ, USA) (14) ☀️🇬🇧
Rattlesnake Bend - Bust Out Escape Room (Albuquerque, NM, USA) (4) ☀️🇬🇧
Blackwell Manor - New Mexico Escape Room (Albuquerque, NM, USA) (5) 😱🇬🇧
Bombshell - New Mexico Escape Room (Albuquerque, NM, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Super Secret - New Mexico Escape Room (Albuquerque, NM, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Cabin 2.0 - New Mexico Escape Room (Albuquerque, NM, USA) (3) 🆕😱🇬🇧
Neverland - Once Upon an Escape (Las Vegas, NV, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
The Sorcerer and the Fountain of Hope - Break Through Reno (Reno, NV, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Blood of the Original - Keystone Escape Games (Reno, NV, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Dragon Alley - Keystone Escape Games (Reno, NV, USA) (3) 👻🇬🇧
Ghost Light - MyssTic Rooms (Brooklyn, NY, USA) (12) 👻🇬🇧
Body Collectors - Escape City Buffalo (Buffalo, NY, USA) (2) 😱🇬🇧
Over The Falls - Escape City Buffalo (Buffalo, NY, USA) (5) ☀️🇬🇧
The Hangover - Escape City Buffalo (Buffalo, NY, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Cabin in the Woods - Just Escape L.I. (Massapequa, NY, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Elevator to Hell - BrainXcape (New York, NY, USA) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
Carbon: 3708 - Mission Escape Games (New York, NY, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Voodoo Swamp - Escape Time Adventures (Wappingers Falls, NY, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Flat Line - Escape Medina (Medina, OH, USA) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Deep Underground - Captivating Worlds (New Albany, OH, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Sins of Doctor Faustus - Captivating Worlds (New Albany, OH, USA) (3) 👻🇬🇧
Trapped In The 80s - Escape Rooms by Franknicky (Sandusky, OH, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Seed of Hope - The Sanctuary Escape (Oklahoma City, OK, USA) (5) 🔦🇬🇧
The Cairo Connection - Eleventh Hour Enigma (Tulsa, OK, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Lombino's Casino - In Search Of An Exit (Portland, OR, USA) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Operation Gryaznayavoda - In Search Of An Exit (Portland, OR, USA) (9) ☀️🇬🇧
Shaky Grounds Cafe - Side Quest Escape Games (Portland, OR, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
The Inventor's Paradox - Enter the Imaginarium (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
Survive The Storm - Unlock The Adventure (Titusville, PA, USA) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
Seeking Sasquatch - Puzzle Room Pittsburgh (Verona, PA, USA) (2) 👻🇬🇧
Rocky Point Park - RI Riddle Room (Warwick, RI, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Down the Rabbit Hole - The Final Door (Columbia, SC, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Castle Flüffendor - Escape Artist Greenville (Greenville, SC, USA) (18) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Classified: Operation Nine Lives - Escape Artist Greenville (Greenville, SC, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Dark Lullaby - Escape Artist Greenville (Greenville, SC, USA) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧
Help Wanted - Escape Artist Greenville (Greenville, SC, USA) (10) ☀️🇬🇧
The Starlight Motel - Escape Artist Greenville (Greenville, SC, USA) (automatic) 😱🇬🇧
Man's Best Friend - Great Escapes (Inman, SC, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Teleporter Trials - Lock, Clock, and Peril Escape Rooms (Sumter, SC, USA) (5) ☀️🇬🇧
Tomb Raiders - Lock, Clock, and Peril Escape Rooms (Sumter, SC, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Masters of Magic - Gatlin's Escape Games (Gatlinburg, TN, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Monsters from the Abyss - Memphis Escape Rooms (Memphis, TN, USA) (1) 🆕🔦🇬🇧
One Night in the 90s - Memphis Escape Rooms (Memphis, TN, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Jurassic Project - Memphis Escape Rooms (Memphis, TN, USA) (3) 🆕👻🇬🇧
Frankenstein: The Awakening - 60 Minute Escape (Murfreesboro, TN, USA) (2) 👻🇬🇧
Mr. Wong's Restaurant - The Perfect Escape (Arlington, TX, USA) (6) ☀️🇬🇧
The Poe Adventure - The Secret Chambers (Arlington, TX, USA) (2) 👻🇬🇧
The Crypt - Escape Hour (Austin, TX, USA) (1) 🆕👻🇬🇧
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea - Novel Escape (Austin, TX, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Enchanted Cottage - The Grapevine Escape (Grapevine, TX, USA) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Focustec Labs - The Grapevine Escape (Grapevine, TX, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Wizard - Escape Again (Houston, TX, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
The Man from Beyond - Strange Bird Immersive (Houston, TX, USA) (automatic) 👻🇬🇧
The Sherlock Home - Amazescapes (San Antonio, TX, USA) (5) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Train Robbery - Cyber Raccoon Escape Room (Falls Church, VA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
8-Bit Escape - Escape Room Herndon (Ravenchase Adventures) (Herndon, VA, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Cryptid Grove - Escape Room Herndon (Ravenchase Adventures) (Herndon, VA, USA) (4) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Maritime Mutiny - Escape Room Herndon (Ravenchase Adventures) (Herndon, VA, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The Chesapeake Bay Butcher - Colonial Escape Room (Williamsburg, VA, USA) (6) 😱🇬🇧
The Cabin: Final Chapter - Escape Hour (Gig Harbor, WA, USA) (1) 🆕😱🇬🇧
Alice - Conundroom Quest (Redmond, WA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Guardians' Grove - Sure Lock Escapes (Renton, WA, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Shimmer Reef - Sure Lock Escapes (Renton, WA, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Mystery at Innsmouth - Hourglass Escapes (Seattle, WA, USA) (1) 👻🇬🇧
The Storykeeper - Locurio (Seattle, WA, USA) (21) ☀️🇬🇧
The Vanishing Act - Locurio (Seattle, WA, USA) (4) 👻🇬🇧
Rockstar - Cityscape Games (Tacoma, WA, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Zookeeper - Cityscape Games (Tacoma, WA, USA) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Siren's Cove - Escape Hour (Tacoma, WA, USA) (1) ☀️🇬🇧
Jurassic Tours - NW Escape Experience (Vancouver, WA, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Invasion! - 60 to Escape (Greendale, WI, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Pirates Curse - 60 to Escape (Greendale, WI, USA) (2) 👻🇬🇧
The Casino Heist - 60 to Escape (Greendale, WI, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Orvellio's: Reconjured - What the Lock? (Manitowoc, WI, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Neon Light Diner - City 13 (Oak Creek, WI, USA) (2) ☀️🇬🇧
Save the City - City 13 (Oak Creek, WI, USA) (3) ☀️🇬🇧
Rabbit Hole - Tactical Escape 101 (Rice Lake, WI, USA) (1) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
Catching Capone - Xscape! (Morgantown, WV, USA) (2) 🆕☀️🇬🇧
The final room rankings from Phase 2 are shown below. The top 100 rooms have been awarded a TERPECA for Top Room and are shown in bold. Score is the final output of the room ranking analysis. Players is the number of players that ranked that room. Coverage is the number of other rooms in the list that were directly compared to that room by at least one player. Comps is the total number of comparisons made between that room and all other rooms by all players. Abstains is the total number of players that played the room, but chose not to rank it. Last Year shows how the room was ranked last year, where "nom" means it was nominated but was not a finalist. Top Room winners are bolded.
Note that the numbering only goes to 383 rather than 385, and this is because rooms that were nominated having multiple entries or versions of the same room were handled differently depending on their specifics. Each of these are explained in further detail in footnotes below the table.
Also note that, as described in the Methodology section, while this data is interesting, we do not claim for this to be the authoritative list of the top 383 rooms in the world, as rooms lower on the list would not necessarily have been ranked this high if other rooms with fewer than the required number of nominations had made it to Phase 2.
1The Sanatorium by Lockhill in Greece has three versions: Midnight Mode, Night Mode, and Day Mode. Only the highest ranking version (Midnight Mode) was given a ranking, while its second highest ranking version (Night Mode) finished outside the Top 100 and thus is recognized only as a TERPECA finalist for this year. The third version, Day Mode, did not receive any nominations this year and thus is not listed on the site at all.
2Petra - The Lost Kingdom by Petra Escape Room in Spain has two versions, a 90-minute version and a 120-minute extended version. Only the higher ranking version (the 120-minute version) was given a ranking, while the 90-minute version finished outside the Top 100 and thus is recognized only as a TERPECA finalist for this year.
Since 2020, the TERPECA Regional Ambassador Program has helped with outreach to known regions from around the world where escape rooms are popular. These ambassadors recruit participants, process rooms, raise awareness of the project, and much more.
The following 1391 people contributed to the 2024 TERPECA awards as voters and/or nominators. We do not specifically identify the 604 nominators for privacy reasons.
Note that the "Rooms Played" total for each person mentioned in this section were all self-reported as of October 31, 2024.
Also note that the rooms listed under "Finalists Played" may include rooms that the person chose to abstain from voting on. If there are no rooms listed in that section, it means that either the person participated only as a nominator and not as a voter, or that they hadn't played any of the finalists at all.
If your room or company is a TERPECA honoree or if you are a journalist or blogger writing about the project, please feel free to download these logos, subject to the usage guidelines listed below the logos.
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for future announcements about the project.
If you've played 100 or more escape rooms and would like to contribute to the project in future years, visit the TERPECA Voter Portal to learn more and sign up.
If you have any other questions about this project, contact Rich Bragg at